The security situation in the district can be measured by the incidence of robberies, stealing, murder, chieftaincy disputes, political tensions, assaults and communal conflicts.These are the commonly reported cases at the police stations and the traditional councils.
The district commonly experiences three main types of disasters. They are rainstorm, flooding, domestic fire and bushfire. Between 2012 and 2013, the district recorded a total of 8 cases of rainstorm and 7 cases of domestic and bush fires. During the same period over 55 people were affected by rainstorm, whereas domestic fire affected over 14 people. Bushfires ruined over 12 farms. This gives a strong indication that the district is prone to disaster.
Although, the NADMO through the District Assembly supported the victims with relief items, sustainable measures to reduce the impact of these disasters should be instituted. These would require conscious investments into settlement planning (preparation of community schemes), construction of earth drains and culverts in designated places, public education and sensitization on fire prevention, tree planting in communities and schools and the formation and training of Zonal Co-ordinators and District Volunteer Groups (DVGs)
Date Created : 11/23/2017 2:13:34 AM