Key Development problems/issues/gaps
- Low industrial development
- Poor market infrastructure
- Inadequate credit support facilities for agricultural (crop and livestock) production.
- Low level of tourism development
- Weak decentralisation structures
- Inadequate stakeholder participation in the decision making process
- Poor and inadequate educational infrastructure
- Poor educational standards
- Low school enrolment
- Inadequate health structures
- Poor access health services
- Weak decentralization structures
- Haphazard building of houses
- High level unemployment among the youth
- Forest degradation
- Inadequate extension officers to support and build capacity of farmers
- Indiscriminate waste disposal
- High D/A expenditure
- Inadequate and reliable database for planning purpose
- High incidence of malaria.
- Poor road network
- Indiscriminate disposal of refuse
- land acquisition difficulties
- Low access to potable water
- Low agricultural output in major food crop.
- Agriculture is dominated by farmers operating on peasant basis.
- Low access to ICT services
Date Created : 11/21/2017 8:06:52 AM