• Item
Some 1,500 youth to gain employment in rubber plantations at Twifo Mampoma
Farmers in Twifo-Atti Morkwa embrace government’s land restoration programme
Twifo Atti-Morkwa District Security Council takes action on galamsey
Government committed to improving town roads – DCE assures residents
20 communities earmarked for mechanized boreholes
Twifo Atti-Mokwa Assembly works to address furniture challenges in schools
DCE assures streetlights would be extended to the Twifo Atti Morkwa District Hospital


The Twifo-Ati Morkwa  District Assembly by law was established by Legislative Instrument 2022 in 2012. It constitutes the highest political and administrative authority in the district (Local Government Act 1993, Act 462) with the mandate to initiate and co-ordinate all development efforts and to implement government policies aimed at sustainable development at all levels.  It has a 24 member assembly. Administratively, the assembly has three (3) additional subcommittees of the executive committee viz. the health, agriculture and environment and education.

The District is divided into three (3) Area Councils namely; Hemang, Wawase and Jukwa with seventeen (17) Unit Committees. These sub-structures even though constituted remain largely non-functional due to inadequate resources for their operations. In accordance with the relevant provisions in the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462) and LI 1961, the district has made provisions for the establishment of the eleven (11) Departments of the Assembly and such administrative sub-structures as Urban/Town/Area Councils and Unit committees to facilitate the process of local governance.

The departments as established and operational in the district include as following.

Social Welfare and Community Development
Works (Public Works Dep’t)
Physical  Planning
Central Administration
Disaster  Prevention
Agriculture (District Agricultural Development Unit)
However, the under listed agencies though not yet decentralized, are functional in the district.
Education Youth and Sport (under schedule II)
Trade and Industry

Date Created : 11/21/2017 7:16:58 AM