
Markets play very important roles in the promotion of economic life of the people in the district. Apart from commercial trading in farm products and partly processed ones like cassava-dough, gari and local soap, other manufactured products both imported and locally produced are sold in the markets and shops. There are fully developed markets at Anfoega, Vakpo and Wusuta Kpebe.

A) Anfoega Market

This is one of the smallest market but with high potential of revenue generation capacity. Unfortunately the topography of the area is one of the greatest limitations for expansion. However, the market has been rehabilitated and other facilities like toilet and borehole constructed in the market. It has an average attendance of between 250 and 300 on a market day.

B) Vakpo Market

The market has been relocated to a new site to pave the way for future expansion. The market however has the potential to develop into bigger one by virtue of her position with a wide catchments area. Vakpo town has the characteristic of a nodal town linking Kpando, Wusuta, Botoku, Tsrukpe, Tsorxor Anfoega and Kpeve.

The market has an average attendance of between 50 and 100 attendance on a market day and with the development of a lorry park, it is envisaged that, the market would become vibrant.

C) Wusuta Kpebe Market

The Wusuta Kpebe Market is strategically located along the Volta Lake between South Dayi and Afram Plains Districts. It has an average attendance of between 50 and 70 people. It has a potential to expand due to its strategic location.

Pack House

The District has a Pack House with a 100tonnes per day capacity at Vakpo New Adomi. It is made up of two (2) packing lots for fruits such as mangoes and pineapples and vegetables with a hot water treatment facility for protection of fruits against bacteria which is a major proponent to the government’s flagship programme of “One District One Factory”.

Green House

The District has a 6no. green house facility which is under an irrigation drip from the River Dayi. The facilities are used for demonstrating good agricultural practices to farmers such as use of plastic mulch, high density planting, right time fertilization and disease and pest control. Vegetables such as sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumber and hot pepper (scotch bonnet) are produced in these facilities.

Road Network:

The total road network within the District is 84km. this is made up of 15km Trunk Road, 44km surfaced Feeder Road and 58km un-surfaced Feeder Road which are in a very deplorable state.

Lake/Water Transport:

The Volta Lake with a shoreline measuring about 80km long forms the western boundary of the North Dayi District. The district is therefore accessible by river crafts and engine boats which provide opportunity for heavy interaction between the two entry points of Awate Todzi and settlements in the Afram Plains District and South Dayi District.

The Lake transport in spite of its economic and social importance is plagued with some challenges. The presence of tree stumps in the Lake, the lack of adequate number of river crafts, frequent breakdown of the only pontoon and


The total electricity coverage within the District is estimated about 98%. This means that, majority of the rural communities have been connected to the national grid through a lot of interventions such as the rural electrification project among others. The Assembly has also been committed to distribute solar lights to some communities like Botoku Brada-Tornu to improve their lightening conditioning as plans are far advance to get them connected to the national grid. There are other sources of energy such as Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), wood fuel among others in the District.

Postal and Telecommunication

The District has two (2) Post Offices located at Anfoega and Vakpo. There are however postal agencies in other areas like, Anfoega Dzana, Botoku and Aveme

In terms of the spread of communication services, major service providers namely Vodafone, MTN, Airtel/Tigo, and Glo are operating in the district with wider coverage. However, some areas are without telecommunication services whilst services in some areas are poor.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Information Communication and Technology (ICT) focuses on the role of unified communication (telephone lines, wireless signals), computers, cell phones and other communication medium. It is regarded as one of the major significant components for socioeconomic development of nations. The formulation and implementation of government policies and programs have contributed to expanding the population’s access to ICT facilities.

Ownership of Mobile Phones Mobile phone is becoming a necessity for everyday as it is a major means of communication with two persons far and near. Its convenience of communication helps in promoting business growth, hence facilitating jobs and wealth creation. With eventually, no fixed telephone lines in North Dayi, communication through mobile phones has become importance in daily lives in North Dayi for both business and individuals. In Ghana, there are six telecommunication companies but only three of them operate in N (as at 2010).

The Table shows that out of 28,094, persons aged 12 years and older in the District, 9,388 owned mobile phones. This implies that though there were more females than males, more males owned mobiles than females.

The relatively low ownership of mobile phones in the District was due the corresponding low coverage telecommunication reception in the District.


Ownership of desktop and laptop computers is essential for easy access to internet, electronic mail and other activities. The data shows that 1.7% of households have desktop/laptop computers in the District. There are more male headed household (2.3%) than female headed households (0.9%) that own desktop/laptop computers

Use of Internet Services Internet has become a vital communication facility for people, business and organizations. The data reveals that only 2.4% of the District population 12 years and older have access to internet services. Out 12,592 males 12 years and older 35% use internet facility while 238 females accounting for 1.5% use internet facility.

Date Created : 4/4/2023 12:00:00 AM