Development Projections

It refers to an estimate of a future situation based on a study of present trends. This implies that, data on present situation is relevant in projecting the impact of an event in the future, hence the need for accurate data.

Monitoring and Evaluation


This Chapter explains how monitoring and evaluation will be carried out to ensure that programmes and projects are implemented according to plan and that implementation of the Plan leads to the realization of the development objectives and aspiration of the people.


The District Assembly and heads of departments will undertake a continuous and periodic monitoring of the implementation of the programmes and projects through field visits and review of reports from field officers. This will enable the District Assembly assess whether programmes and projects are being executed or delivered according to schedule.


The programmes and projects will be evaluated to assess the extent to which their objectives have been achieved. If the programmes and projects fall short of their objectives, the shortcomings and their causes will be identified and analyzed and correctives measures taken to ensure that the objectives are achieved. This requires the District Assembly to provide the required resources to effectively assess the impact of the programmes and projects on the beneficiaries and also serve as a learning experience for those involved in the implementation process to make informed decisions and recommendations.


The strategic direction of the GSGDA II is among other things aimed at leveraging Ghana`s natural resource endowments and harness and augment her agriculture potential effectively using modern methods of farming and ensuring value addition especially in the area of manufacturing. It is also expected to provide the matrix for maximizing the human resource base of the country through science and technology, for economic growth and job creation for better standards of living.


Date Created : 11/23/2017 6:21:24 AM