
The chapter four dealt with the development Programmes, sub-programmes and financial strategy. This chapter looks at the Action plan for the four-year period within the context of actions, responsibilities and timing of the plan. The implementation of the plan however begins with a specific and detailed Action Plan (2018) for the first year of the plan and the appropriate intervention measures including the administrative machinery for implementation. These plans reflect spatial planning interventions like structure plans, local and community action plans. It also highlights the Composite Budget and implementation of the Annual Action Plans.

Municipal Plan Linked to the Composite Annual Budget

The annual budget is the allocation of financial resources to the Action Plan. The Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) provides for the integration of the recurrent and development budget. Personnel Emoluments relate to compensations paid to established and non – established post while Administration relates to the running of the Assembly and this includes utilities, travel and transport, postal charges and telecommunication. Goods and Services provided by the assembly to the people include the provision of health care, education, water and sanitation, public education etc.

The construction of schools and office blocks, provision of furniture and water facilities, purchase of equipment, computers, vehicles and other capital goods are considered capital expenditure or assets. The Action Plan as an output is the input for the Annual Budget every year. The implication is that the MA should be in a position to mobilise adequate resources wherever possible to facilitate its development. However, given the uncertainties in the external sources of assistance it is important that the municipal mobilises resources largely from local resource base.

The Action Plan constitutes a detailed outline of actions, particularly projects, activities and investments, to be executed by both the public and private sectors within the year 2018-2021. The Action Plan with its corresponding financial plan was derived from the Programme of Action (2018-2021) and is expected to be undertaken within the first year of the plan. The last column shows the linkage to the Programme-Based Budgeting programmes and sub-programmes. The projects for the plan were selected based on the following:

  • On-going projects in the municipal
  • Programmes that respond to the immediate felt needs of the people
  • Programmes whose implementation will potentially facilitate the realisation of the goals and objectives of the MTDP
  • Programmes with quick returns
  • Programmes that could conveniently be accommodated in the first year budget of the municipal Assembly


Adoption of the DMTDP

The Ga East Municipal Assembly held a stakeholder meeting to present the draft plan on 18th July, 2017 to obtain inputs for the finalization of the Medium Term Development Plan as specified in section 5 of the National Development Planning Regulation, 2016 (LI 2232). A general Public Hearing to adopt the plan was held on 18th August, 2017 at the Presbyterian Women Center where all relevant stakeholders were invited. See Annex 17 and 18 for the list of stakeholders and Public Hearing Report respectively.


Structure Plan and Local Plans

Most of GEMA’s physical space is almost built up, the Assembly has a total number of 50 area planning schemes within the municipality. Areas with planning schemes within the municipality are 42 out of 50 zones. Number of schemes revised is two. This means that existing schemes do not reflect the ground situation. Number of areas without schemes is 8.

The Municipality intends to undertake reconnaissance survey with stakeholders to update maps, data collection and analysis of socio-economic and land use data. The rest are generation of local plan, placement of the local plans in the public data and finally, signing of plans. The total amount needed to undertake the exercise is 5,589,500.  It is expected to be funded by IGF and donor.  

Date Created : 2/28/2020 5:15:09 AM