Agricultural Production

Crop production and livestock production within the municipality have declined due to several factors including urbanization and climate change.

• Crop production

A wide variety of vegetables are cultivated in the area. These include pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, okra, garden eggs, cauliflower, cucumber, cabbage, squash, lettuce, marrow, green pepper, green beans, chili pepper and tinder. Table 2.0 is a list of crops cultivated within the municipality. The production of cash crops such as maize, cowpea and cassava is also very encouraging in the Municipality. The women in the rural communities mostly farm and process cassava into Gari and dough. This provides an enabling environment for the various agro-based modules selected for implementation under the youth employment programme in the District.

• Average Farm Size

The average farm size within the municipality is 0.74 acres.The department of Agriculture, has so far established that 1,510 Ha representing 15.7% of the Municipalities land is cropped. Registration of farmers and acreages cultivated is still on-going (Ghana Agricultural Productivity Survey, 2014).

About 70% of the rural population depends on agriculture as their main source of livelihood with about 95% of them being small holders. The major agricultural activities are crop production and livestock production. Alternative livelihood ventures such as grasscutter, rabbit and mushroom production are gradually gaining popularity. The total number of farmers identified within the Municipality is one thousand one hundred and ninety-four (1,194). It must be noted that, in recent times, the municipality is experiencing loss of farm lands to estate developers leading to low crop yield. The registration of farmers is still ongoing. Table 1.5 is the estimated population of farmers within the Municipality.

Alternative Livelihood Strategies/Agricultural Activities/Projects

The department has been privileged to have several projects running over the years. Table 2.4 is a brief outline of some of the projects ongoing within the Municipality.


Food Security and Nutrition in Ga-East Municipality

 “Food Security” at the individual, household, national, regional and global levels is achieved when all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (The world food summit, 1996). Commonly, the concept of food security is defined as including both physical and economic access to food that meets people’s dietary needs as well as their food preferences.

Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) pay regular visits to farmers to educate and advice on the correct use of agro chemicals, planting techniques and application of animal manure during crop production. During the first quarter, fifteen technologies were demonstrated to 3,257 farmers (including 1,267 females) by AEAs. The farmers are also educated appropriate housing structures for animals (Pigs, sheep, goats, ducks etc). These interventions improve the quality and quantity of crops and animals produced within the municipality. In terms of affordability food production in the municipality are relatively cheaper. The concept of “Food Security” within the Department of Agriculture, Ga East Municipality would have to focus mainly on agricultural production, food quality and affordability.

Figure 1.11: Access to Extension Services


Date Created : 11/17/2017 9:25:47 AM