The industrial sector can boast of a number of industrial establishments particularly in the Dome area, example, Phyto Riker (GIHOC) Pharmaceuticals and Royal Aluminium Company among others.

Service Sector

The service sector appears to be one of the fast developing sectors of the local economy. Banking services are provided by the Ghana Commercial Bank, Ecobank Limited. The Rural areas are not left out. The Abokobi Area Rural Bank is performing very well and has an agency at Dome. An agency of the Shai Rural Bank, Pro-Credit Limited and a number of Micro finance companies are also located in the Municipality.

The Abokobi Presbyterian Women’s Center provides one of the excellent conference facilities in the district. There are also hotels like Royal Gateway Hotel, BriHiny Guest House, Loving Blue Hotel and Tosway Hotel among others.

Construction Sector

The construction sector (estate development) is also fast growing. With the enormous deposits of natural building materials of high quality coupled with large tracts of undeveloped lands especially in the peri-urban sectors of the municipality, the Municipality has become a favourite area for estate development and the supply of sand, stone and laterite which are won indiscriminately all year round especially around Kwabenya. Currently a very wide range of housing units are being developed in Ashongman and Abokobi areas.

To preserve some of the agricultural farm lands, the Assembly will have to create land banks in selected areas which will include Abokobi and other areas. This will then be given out to farmers to ensure food security and generate income to reduce poverty. The impact on the environment as a result of the activities of these estate developers and construction firms needs to be critically assessed and sustainable interventions developed to mitigate the effect on the environment.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 9:36:42 AM