The Natural Environment

The Municipality has several communal natural resources, e.g., the Weija lake, the Olebu River, Lafa river, Nsofa and Nsaki river / Stream

Rapid population expansion in the Municipality has brought with it the attendant environmental and sanitation problems and challenges

The Built Environment

Housing conditions are generally of good quality especially at Tabora, Sowutuom, etc.

The Municipality do not have slums and shanty towns but high average household size of

Land used for agricultural purposes has been lost to housing development

The livelihoods of farmers in the Municipality have been affected

Some parts of the Municipality are suffering from “environmental stress”

Rivers and streams are drying up due to pollution and poor rains.

The Lafa river is biologically dead; no living micro can survive largely due to pollution

The Municipality suffers severe flooding anytime its rains due to structures in water ways.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 8:10:32 AM