Traditional Administration
The dominant tribe in the Municipality is Ga followed by the Akan, Ewe and of course a mixture of other tribes who have migrated to the Municipality to either trade, farm and to do other menial jobs. Others lived in the Municipality because of residential accommodation convenience.
The indigenes Gas are of people from Gbese traditional area. Almost every community or township has traditional chief, who is addressed as Nii or Mantse: meaning the “town owner”. The families are also divided into various clans which collectively own certain portions of land. However, tribes as a means of unity “select” their leaders who might have or exercise some form of traditional authority over his “people”.
Christianity is the main religion of the people in the Municipality followed by Islam.
The main and only festival among the indigenous people is Homowo (Hooting at Hunger). The rationale behind the festival is to celebrate good harvest and promote peace between families and among friends. Besides this, the various ethnic groups celebrate replica of their home festivals that are subtle and almost imperceptible.
Religious composition
There are three main religions in the Municipality is Christianity, Islam and Traditional worship.
Communal spirit
The ethnic diversity in the Municipality has no effect on tribal sentiments but show signs of good neighborliness which might reflect on communal labour when the need arises. Typically, most Assembly members are not indigene Gas who but are elected on a good sign of neighborliness. The Honourable Assembly members spearhead most of the communal work.
Land conflicts
These are to some extend issues comes about mainly through ownership and multiple sales of family lands. Thus “land guards” are common place in the Municipality which their action prevent prospective investors in to the Municipality. This is a torn which undermines and destroys the fabric of the chieftaincy institutions in the Municipality.
Date Created : 11/17/2017 8:08:31 AM