The vision and mission statements of the Assembly are to enhance the Assembly's image as being competent and focus with the emphasis to facilitate the poverty reduction by accelerating growth through its developmental projects.

The Vision and Mission statements of Ga Central Municipal Assembly is meant to inspire community members to realize their dreams through positive, effective action and participation as declared below:


To position the Municipality as a distinct district that provides diverse economic opportunities for the total development of the people


“Ga Central Municipal Assembly exists to facilitate development and delivery of Socio-economic infrastructure and services for the total improvement of the living conditions of the people” It is out of these vision and mission statement that the Development Focus of the Assembly is formed.

Background History

The Ga Central Assembly was carved from the Ga South Municipal Assembly and inaugurated on 28th June 2012.  The Assembly was established by Legislative instrument 2135 (2012) with the capital at Sowutuom.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 8:06:47 AM