Religious Affiliation
Religious affiliation influence peoples’ value system, perceptions and choices in society, for example, towards measures to limit the number of children a couple may have or towards the role of the female gender in society. The Survey result was that as high as 85 percent had Christian affiliation followed by 5 percent belonging to the Moslem faith while 1 percent claimed to have traditional religious beliefs and were said to belong to the traditional Asafo Group. The Abura Asebu Kwamankese District is made up of diverse religions, ranging from the traditional through the Christian to the Islamic religion.
Ethnicity refers to tribal grouping of people that have a common cultural tradition and practices. In the Survey, 99 percent claimed to belong to the Akan ethnic group, suggesting less tendency towards ethnic conflict as the high degree of cultural homogeneity provides opportunity for many consensual decisions for development.
Date Created : 11/10/2017 2:52:29 AM