There are three Police Stations in the District with 73 personnel comprising 53 males and 20 females.  These stations are found in the following towns:

• Mamponteng

• Antoa

• Asonomaso

The basic problem facing the Police Service in the District is lack of residential accommodation for the officers and men. There are inadequate necessary communication gadgets and other logistics such as vehicles, telephones, etc. at the various police stations.


Police Strength

The total number of police stations in the district is 3 with 73 personnel comprising 53 males and 20 females.  . This number is inadequate given the size of the district. The stations are also located away from many of the communities. There is the need to increase the number of police officer and the establishment of more police station to improve on the security situation in the district.


The Judicial System

The judicial administration of the district is regulated by the statutory legal systems enshrined in the constitution and other acts such as Acts 462,455, etc. The District Assembly is mandated to formulate bye-laws for the effective governance of the district

There is a circuit court at Mamponteng to uphold the administration of justice in the district.


Date Created : 2/19/2019 6:31:58 AM