Non-governmental Organization exists to supplement the efforts of the District Assembly to accelerate the pace of Development.  NGO’s are potential source in the provision of funds, materials training and machinery for project execution.


Kwabre East District has not benefited so much from non-governmental organizations.  However, some interventions have been provided by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the EQUALL Programme.



The District Assembly in collaboration with the Government Accountability Improvement Trust (GAIT) has supported the formation of a Civic Union in the District.  Again there are 42 Registered Civil Society Organizations (CSO) currently operating in the District.


The Civic Unions and the Civil Society Organizations have collaborated with the District in many ways to deepen the participatory planning and governance process. The Civic Unions have collaborated with the Assembly to organize community fora and town meetings in the various communities.  The fora served as a platform for the key members of the Assembly to interact with community members so as to address pertinent issues confronting them.


Again the Civic Unions in collaboration with the District Directorate of Education has been organizing fora on education to bring all stakeholders together so as to improve the quality of education in the District.  The Civic Unions have been facilitating the interaction between the Assembly and recognized groups and associations during budget preparation so as to bring mutual understanding among stakeholders on many issues such as fee fixing resolutions of the Assembly.


Date Created : 2/19/2019 6:27:04 AM