
Out of a total population of 94,600 captured during the 2010 Population and Housing Census,  5,684 representing six percent of the people are having one form of disability or the other. This implies that a little over 90% of the population in the District does not have any form of disability. There are slightly more females with one form of disability as compare to males.

The highest form of disability in the district is sight (47.1%), followed by physical (34.4%). Other forms of disabilities such as hearing, intellect, emotion, among others constitute 18.5%. The percentage of females (47.9%) with sight disability is relatively higher than the male (46.3%).

This implies that further works need to be done to ascertain the causes hence corresponding intervention to curtail or solve the impending problem. (2010 Population and Housing, Ghana Statistical Service


Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:53:40 AM