Dodome Dogblome to get Classroom block

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Ho West, Mr. Ernest Victor Apau, has handed over site to contractor for the construction of a 2-Unit Kindergarten Classroom Block with ancillary facilities at Dodome Dogblome.

Date Created : 9/9/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Emma Sekyere/

Speaking at the sod cutting ceremony, the District Chief Executive recounted the request made by the Community to the Assembly for a Kindergarten block.

According to him, the facility is being funded by the Government Education Trust Fund (GETFund) and it’s expected to be completed in six (6) months. He added that the project, when completed, will enhance effective teaching and learning in the community.

The DCE reiterated government's commitment in providing the necessary resources and infrastructure needed to boost quality education at all levels in the district.

He urged the community to give the contractor the needed support and also charged the contractor to deliver quality work within the stipulated time frame.

On her part, the Regional Director of Education, Madam Enyonam Ama Amafuga was appreciative of the government for the construction of the Kindergarten block.

She said preschool plays a crucial role in the development of every child and social skills hence the need to strengthen the foundation by providing them good environment for learning. She therefore encouraged parents not to relent on their effort in order to ensure their children get quality education.

The Regent of Dodome Dogblome, Togbe Dzonu IV said the project has come as a huge relief to the community. He expressed his gratitude to the government and the Assembly for not forgetting their request for a KG.

He also took the opportunity to appeal for street lights, provision of water and construction of community center.

In response to the request made by the Regent of Dodome Dogblome, the DCE said the Assembly will supply them some street lights to boost security in the community. He also promised them the construction of Borehole and encourages the community to engage in self-help projects for their benefit.

Also present at the ceremony were the District Chief Executive, the Regional Director of Education, the Assembly Member for Awuiasu E/A, Chief and people of Dodome Dogblome, the Contractor, Messrs Kum-Franky Limited and some staff of the Assembly.