
The District has a number of viable markets located at Kissiflui, Kpedze, Tsito, Amedzofe, Vane and Dededo.  

Industrial Opportunities

There exist potential for the development of light industries. Such as, Cassava Processing, Garment and textile manufacturing, Vegetable Oil Extraction and Saw Mill.


Various telecommunication companies have their masks erected at strategic points in the District. This has enhanced communication within and outside the District.

There are however, few communities that have challenges in using some network. One state of the art   ICT centre has been constructed at Hlefito provide the District with ICT training. The office complex is earmarked to provide other financial institutions with office space to operate.

There are 24,316 persons 12 years and older with mobile phones which forms about 37 percent of the population 12 years and older. The population using internet facilities are 1,882 constituting about three percent of the population of the District. (2010 Population and Housing, Ghana Statistical Service).

The internet and mobile phone has become a vital communication facility for people, businesses and organizations. It therefore gives an indication of how accessible the District is in terms of information flow which is an important ingredient for businesses. 


Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:50:03 AM