80% of our campaign promises fulfilled - NPP

The Volta Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party, Makafui Kofi Woanya has hinted that the Akufo Addo's led NPP government has fulfilled 80 percent of its campaign promises made to Ghanaians prior to the 2016 General Elections.

Date Created : 1/2/2019 1:25:47 AM : Story Author : William Dei-Gyau/Ghanadistricts.com

The Chairman made this statement in his speech whiles addressing the party's branch executives, electoral areas coordinators and sympathizers of the governing party at Ho West Constituency during an open forum with the District Chief Executive of Ho West District Assembly held at the forecourt of the District Assembly last Sunday.

"The NPP government being led by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo has delivered beyond expectations, just in two years we have 80% of our campaign promises made to the Ghanaian people through which they voted us to manage the affairs of this great nation" the chairman stated.

According to the Chairman the NPP government then promised Free Senior High School, Planting for Food and Jobs, One District, One Factory, One Million dollars per Constituency, Planting for Export and Rural Development, Strengthening the National Health Insurance amongst others which have been delivered.

"We promised Free SHS to reduce the hardship on parents, we promised to restore teachers and nursing training allowances to reduce the hardship on teacher and nursing trainees, we promised to establish a Zongo Development Fund, we promised a renewed focus on agriculture through the Planting for Food and Jobs and also Planting for Export and Rural Development programs which we have delivered" he started.

He stressed that "we promised to issue National ID Cards, we promised to implement a National Property Digital Addressing System, we promised to digitize the clearance of goods at the ports through paperless ports, we promised to establish three Development Authorities that is the Northern, Middle Belt and Coastal development authorities, we all can testify that all this promises have been delivered and are working".

The Regional Chairman added that there are other promises the government is on course delivering which includes the One District One Factory, One Village One Dam, One District One Warehouse, reduction of interest rate, establishment of integrated bauxite and aluminum industry among others.

He was quick to remind the gathering about other promises also fulfilled including the Nation's Builders Corps, the implementation of a National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program to provide support and reduce hardships of entrepreneurs, the rehabilitate VALCO to resume operations, Implementation of mobile money interoperability, Reduction of hardships in renewing the national health insurance, the establishment of an Office of the Special Prosecutor on Corruption, Restoration of discipline in the management of our public finances which we have delivered with lower fiscal deficits, fiscal Responsibility Act has been passed and it's council has been formed as well as the financial stability council".

"I hope we do remember the state of the National Health Insurance Scheme before we took office, the rate at which our inflation was pegged, amongst other the NPP government since assuming office has reverted the situation from worse to excellent" he said confidently.

Mr. Makafui Kofi Woanya then revealed that the party has refused to communicate this high rate of development to the electorate advising the communication unit of the party to be proactive in communicating every proceedings and success chalked by the Akufo Addo's government to the electorate at the grassroots to avoid the opposition party taking advantage of the ignorance of the ordinary people with their propaganda.

He again advice the Constituency and polling station Executives to be United with the party members at their various Constituencies and polling station and should start working towards victory for NPP as the 2020 general elections is approaching.

Let us all rely our unflinching support to the president and the NPP government to turn this country fortune from the bad state we took our from our NDC counterpart to a state of prosperity" Mr. Makafui Urged Ghanaians.


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