
There are three Traditional Councils and sixteen traditional areas in the District. These three councils collaborate in promoting the development of the District. Various communities have their Chiefs who inturn are responsible to Paramount Chiefs of their respective traditional Councils. The harmonious co-existence between the chiefs and people between the various  traditional  areas is reinforce by the similar cultural heritage their share. This  brings about unity and togetherness among them which could promote collaboration in development and business.


The traditional areas are endowed with some cultural practices and festival. The Yam Festival for instance is practiced by the people of the Awudome  traditional area  the Kimini festival for the chiefs and people of Avatime. Traditional drums and dances such as Adabatram, Zigi, Borborbor and Zagada are also enjoyed by the people in the District. This is a rich cultural heritage which could be given needed impetus for tourism development.


The people in the district are predominantly Ewe with the rest of the ethnic group in the minority.  In terms of Nationality, those who are Ghanaian by birth constitute 92.1 percent of the total population in the District, followed by about five percent with dual nationality and about two percent of the residents are Ghanaian by naturalization whiles less than one percent constitute ECOWAS citizens (non- Ghanaians). This shows that there are other Nationalities residing and doing business in the District.


The people in the District are predominantly Christians( 90.7%) , with other religions such as Muslim, traditionalist and others in the minority. Christianity is the dominant religion in the District followed by Traditionalist(3.8%)  Islam (2%) and others ( 3.5%).

This revealed that though Christians are in the majority other religious bodies are welcome to participate in the socio-cultural development of the District.

Tourism attractions


This district has a lot of untapped tourist potential which need to be harnessed. The tourist attractions are numerous namely: Aya-fie Waterfall, Amedzofe Waterfalls, Mount Gemi, Handicrafts, Ancient Colonial Buildings and Ancestral Caves at Amedzofe, kalakpa game reserves at Abutia. 

There are five guest houses and one two star Hotel in the District. Restaurants, drinking and chop bars exist in the District. These potentials could be exploited by private investors through Public- Private Partnership for wealth  and job creation in the District economy.


Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:32:00 AM