Political and Administrative Structure

The District Assembly consist of eleven Decentralised Departments, eight Town and Area Councils, and Twenty Five Unit Committees.  The District Assembly is made up of Thirty Seven Members, comprising of twenty five elected members, ten Government Appointees, one District Chief Executive and one Member of Parliament.

The District is headed by the District Chief Executive who is the political and administrative head. He is responsible to the President via the Regional Minister who is the head of the Region.  However, the District Co-ordinating Director is the chief advisor and secretary to the District Chief Executive and the Assembly.

The District Planning Co-ordinating Unit (DPCU), which comprises of technocrats from various Decentralised Departments and Heads of Core Units of the Assembly, helps the Chief Executive in formulating and implementing government policies, programmes and projects.

The Sub- Structures at the District Assembly are functional, best practices in the local governance such as involvement of traditional authorities, participation of citizenry and application of communication strategies during planning, budgeting and financial management processes are adopted.

These practices are envisaged to promote participation and ownership of development projects/programmes which subsequently leads to faster socio-economic development. 


Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:37:57 AM