Special Programmes for the Vulnerable and Excluded
Various Skills and entrepreneurial development programmes for the youth are being pursued for the vulnerable and excluded in the munucipality. The vulnerable comprise women in general, the youth especially young girls’, children, and the physically challenged. The land holding situation mentioned earlier manifest in large girl child unemployment.
It has also been mentioned that more girls drop out of school. The effect of the two is out-migration of the youth especially the girl child to places such as Kumasi and Accra for kayayoo activities. The efforts that are being put in place are skill training programmes. Two Vocational training centers for dress making for females are operational at Zoggu, Pong-Tamale and Moglaa. GIGDEV is similarly offering vocational training to girls in Savelugu. Also there is an on-going Micro credit scheme for women sponsored by GDCP.
Other programmes for the vulnerable and excluded are child protection teams in the various communities carrying out child rights protection programmes and a gender desk office that carries out advocacy on women issues. The assembly’s Social welfare office and community development and other departments collaborate and similarly undertake sensitization programmes on early marriage, child abuse, domestic violence, and environmental degradation and disaster prevention campaigns.VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS
The people of the Municipality are faced with common disasters which predispose them to vulnerability. These disasters include: floods, droughts, wind/rain storm, fire outbreak and pockets of conflicts.
Floods in the Municipality are often caused by spillage of the Bagri dam, occasional excessive rainfall, farming along river banks resulting in siltation and building on water ways. The effects of which are destruction of crops and houses, loss of livestock, emergence of water borne diseases and abundance of fishes.
Droughts in the municipality are caused by erratic rainfall, deforestation and bush fires and the effects of these are: food insecurity, malnutrition, and water shortage.
n the Municipality, storms are often caused by deforestation and its effects are destruction of buildings and crops, loss of lives and property.
Bush fires are caused by activities of hunters, charcoal processing, smoking, honey tapping and bad farming practices and the effects are: Loss of lives and property, Food insecurity, Loss of crops and soil degradation
The pockets of conflicts in the Municipality are often caused by chieftaincy and land disputes and the effects are loss of lives and property, famine.
The Municipality has therefore prepared a disaster preparedness plan which they are implementing to reduce the shocks.
There are fourteen (14) Communities and two hundred and sixty-two households benefiting from the LEAP programme in the Municipality. The payment exercise is normally preceded by community sensitization.
Date Created : 11/18/2017 8:20:29 AM