Agriculture is the dominant income and expenditure levels of households occupation of the people of the municipality, accounting for about 62% of the total employment.  The major crops grown are millet, sorghum, maize, rice, groundnuts, leafy vegetables, pepper, water melon, onion and livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, donkey etc.

Poultry especially guinea fowl production is quite significant.  Farm sizes range between one and two hectors as a result of high population density.  Yields are very low as compared to other parts of the country due to poor soils, unreliable rainfall etc.  Also farmers are not able to get enough organic manure or purchase chemical fertilizers.  Most farmers therefore face greater food insecurity for the greater part of the year.

There are a few dams and dug-outs which are being used for dry season gardening.  Farmers also dig into the sand of dry riverbeds to get water.  There are also on-going projects for the rehabilitation of dams and construction of new dams under LACOSREP II and the Village Infrastructure Projects (VIP).

Cash crops in the municipality are onions, tomatoes and Soyabeans, Tomatoes and Onions are cultivated in the dry season, however, onion is referred to by the residents as the “cocoa of Bawku municipality”.



Date Created : 11/18/2017 3:49:10 AM