Private Sector Competitiveness

1. Increase access to credit

2. Provide access roads

3. Promote reforestation and curtail bush burning

4. Extend electricity supply

5. Increase crop yields

6. Provision of dams dug outs for all year round farming

7. Creation of non-farm employment opportunities

8. Promote marketing of Agricultural produce

9. Improve access to drugs and chemicals for livestock and poultry production

10. Development of tourist sites

Human Resource Development

Provision of School Infrastructure

Creation of employment opportunities

Improve supply of potable water

Sponsor more teacher trainees into Training Colleges

Improve school enrollment and retention especially for the girl child

Improve supervision in school

Increase access to health care delivery

Reduce infant mortality

Increase support for poor and needy children in schools

Reduce illiteracy rate

Provide Waste disposal sites

Improve teaching and learning environment

Construction of KG School

Provide household latrines

Promote intake of iodated salt

Stem the migration of the youth to urban centres

Reduce incidence of HIV/AIDS

Provide sanitary facilities

Improve academic outcomes of pupils in basic schools

Recruit and train more health personnel

Monitoring And Evaluation

The successful outcome of any development plan depends to a large extent on an effective monitoring programme. Such a monitoring programme will ensure that problems that occur during implementation are addressed to achieve stated objectives. For the monitoring programme to be effective, it must be based on clearly stated performance outcomes relating to key stated objective.

This section specifies the assumptions underlying the major goals of the plan. It is expected that Performance of Programme activities to be implemented during the plan period will be evaluated base on the assumptions/indicators.

Goals, Assumptions and Indicators

The following goals, assumption and indicators underlie the Bawku Municipal

Development Plan

• Main Goals

• Build a competitive private Sector through value addition and accelerated Municipal economic development.

The assumptions underlying this goal are that by the end of the plan period investment in productive activities in Agriculture, Tourism and small Scale Industry will lead to substantial reduction in poverty. Indicators to assess the achievement of this goal are that by the end of the plan period there will be:

1. Ability to pay basic rate and other rates charge by the Assembly for development purpose.

2. Improvement in the feeder road network.

3. Re-generation of dry land and degraded areas.

4. Increased Participation in Basic services, services delivery.

The assumption underlying the above goal is that with increased participation in basic services delivery such as education, health, water and sanitation, it would be possible to expand socio-economic activities and productivity. The indicators to access the realization of this goal are:

• Improvement in access to health care, education, water and sanitation facilities.

• Improvement in environmental cleanliness.

• Increase in children learning outcomes.

• Reduction in HIV/AIDS Prevention rate.

• An administration which facilitates public participation in the maintenance of peace and stability.

The assumption in respect of the above goal is that with an open administration where public participation in the maintenance of peace and stability is key, people will know their rights, be alive to their civic responsibilities and demand accountability.

The indicators to assess this goal include:

1. Increased participation in local governance especially women and the differently challenged.

2. Increased transparency and accountability at the Municipal Assembly and its sub-structures.

3. Enhance capacity of the Municipal Assembly.

4. Willingness to pay basic rate and other rates charged by the Assembly.

5. Peaceful and stabile Municipality.

Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements

The Municipal Assembly shall adopt Participatory monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that programmes activities yield the desired results. At the Local level, Zonal Councils, Unit Committee members, chiefs, opinion leaders and other identifiable groups will assist the Bawku Municipal to monitor and evaluate the execution of the Medium Term Development Plan. Monitoring and evaluation schedules shall be developed to keep track of the implementation of the plan. The Municipal Assembly and other development partners will also monitor the implementation of the Medium Term Development Plan.




Date Created : 11/18/2017 3:26:56 AM