Investment And Business Potential



The staple foodstuffs of the Bawku East District include millet, rice, red and white sorghum, groundnut, ginea corn, maize and Bambara Beans. About 90% of the food produced at subsistence level is consumed locally while onions and malts are transported down south for sale. Cotton, sheanuts and sweet potatoes are the cash crops produced in the District. Livestock production is also on the increase.


There are two kraals at Mognore and Pusiga where cattle are kept and transported down south for sale by dealers from Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. There are three loading stations and a transit point for local cattle dealers identified and assisted by the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of food and Agriculture. The loading stations are located at Garu, Woriyanga and Bawku Central with a transit point at Karateshi.


The Bawku East District is noted for the production of high quality smocks, shea butter, groundnut oil, earthweare products and dawadawa. Women are the main producers of these items and they are financed through loans from the Employment and Income Generation Fund of the Dsitrict Assembly, the Bawku East Women Development Association, ACTION AID, (a British NGO), Agricultural Development Bank and the Bawku East Small Scale Farmers Association Rural Banks.


There is a local tannery established at Mozeima in Bawku.Treated hides are sold locally to cobblers and some are sent down south for sale. There are large clay deposits at Mognore, near Bawku. A brick and tile industry was established there but it ran into problems of spare parts and so production is at a standstill.This presents a clear opportunity for investors.

Clay pits, which, for ages, have been the source of material for earthenware production, are sited in several places around the district, as well as special colour pits of soil; red, black and white products, at Goobok near Zabgu.Mineral deposits, including gold and iron deposits have been identified, located at Bansi, Yerigungu, Bedor and Senebaga.


The Garu Agricultural Station, established by the Presbyterian Chruch, has both piggery and poultry farms, which are the source of supply to several livestock farmers established by the station in the district. There are quite a number of renowned blacksmiths who repair and produce metal items, which include hoe blades, cells for bullock ploughs, cutlasses and knives, horse-shoes and coal pots.




Date Created : 11/18/2017 2:50:10 AM