
The predominant tribes in the municipality are Kussasis Mamprusis, Bissas and Moshies with Kussasis forming the majority followed by Mamprusis.  However, there are quite a number of migrants from other parts of the country especially the south (most of whom are civil servants) and the neighbouring countries like Togo and Burkina Faso.  Ethnic heterogeneity has had implications for harmony in the municipality.  In the very recent past, there have been sporadic violent ethnic clashes between the Kussasis and Mamprusis.  It is expected however, that inter-marriages among the diverse ethnic groupings will provide the impetus for peaceful co-existence.

Despite the varied tribal components of the municipality, the society is generally patrilineal and traditionally male dominated.  Women are not generally less active in decision making but are also traditionally responsible for the bulk of the households activities such as planting, weeding, harvesting and selling as well as cooking and fetching of water.


Annual festivals are observed in the municipality.  These festivals are celebrated in each clan of the Kusasis and other ethnic groups at the beginning of the harvest or after the harvest.  On these occasions, behind the merry making libations are poured; fresh fruits and animals are offered to the gods of the land.  This is done in acknowledgement of their blessings in the past and to implore their help and protection for the future.  These festivals increasingly serve as vehicles for uniting the people in the municipality.


Funerals have become expensive in the municipality due to show of real wealth and competition.  The practice of funeral rites and other associated customary practices is another emerging issue affecting the welfare or the living standards of several families and individuals.  The performance of funerals has of late been quite a source of worry and economic hardship to several families.

The instances of individuals going about to borrow or sell out all their foodstuff, livestock and other properties in order to meet the cost of an in-law’s or family member’s funeral have taken a heavy toll on many people.


The traditional marriage entails the distinctive practice or payment of a bride price; the system where the family of the bridegroom meets some marriage expenses including the payment of two (2) to four (4) cows to the family of the bride.  Most bridegrooms are not able to pay the dowry.  This leads to some broken homes while others become permanently indebted to their in-laws.  The urge to get cows as dowry, lures parents to withdraw female children from school for early marriages.  This has seriously contributed to high school drop out among girls.


Tourism Attractions

There are very attractive physical and cultural landscapes worth developing into tourist centres.  These include:

The Kulungungu Bombsite

This is where the first President of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Survived a grenade attack on 1st August, 1962 when returning from a meeting with his Upper Voltas (now Burkina Faso)  colleague, Mourice Yameogo.  This site is marked by a burst of Dr. Nkrumah.

Yarigungu Crocodile Pond

This is pond in a tributary of the White Volta inhabited by crocodiles.  This pond never dries despite the fact that the other parts of the stream dry up during the dry season.  The crocodiles can be viewed by attracting them with treads which local boys will provide for a small fee.

Naa Gbewaa Shrine at Pusiga

This is the spot in the forest near the famous government (now Gbewaa) Teacher Training College, where Naa Gbewaa, the famous chief and ancestor of the Mole-Dogbane group of people is said to have disappeared.  One needs to contact the Tindana of Pusiga with cola nuts and a fowl for a sacrifice at the shrine.  The area is now fenced and provided with a tourist reception facility by the Ministry of Tourism and Ghana Tourist Board.

Zawse Hills

It is about ten kilometers north-west of Bawku.  It is an ideal place for mountain climbing and paragliding.

Hospitality Industry

This industry is completely underdeveloped in view of the importance of Bawku as both commercial and administrative centre and with a hospital whose catchment area is far and beyond the boundaries of the municipality.  There are only three decent private guest houses and two restaurants in Bawku Township.  At present, there is no single standard hotel in Bawku.


Date Created : 11/18/2017 2:30:31 AM