• Item
MCE commended for outstanding contribution to St. Augustin School Construction
Ablekuma West Assembly supports PWDs
Health Directorate Launch Child Health Promotion Week
Ablekuma West Receives Aid in Fight against Malaria
Dansoman gets new circuit court
Tunga Islamic Community School inaugurated
Ablekuma West MCE expresses hope in new NALAG leadership


Vision Statement

A Safe, Sustainable Development and Resilient Municipality

Mission Statement

‘To provide a safe environment for the people within the Municipality and promote friendly relationship between the Assembly and stakeholders’

Core Values

Innovation and Creativity

We promote best practices, technology and consistently explore new ways of delivering services.

Effective Partnership

We embrace long term sustainable partnerships with all stakeholders

Responsiveness / Diversity

We understand and value the contributions of the people and priority needs of the Municipal.

Dedication and Discipline

We keep our commitments with the dwellers and serve them with a sense of urgency.

Safe and Accessible Neighborhoods

We create a safe environment for the well-being of and for the people we serve.



The Municipal Assembly performs but not limited to the following functions;

• Exercise political and administrative authority in the district;

• Promote local economic development

• Provide guidance, give direction to and supervise other administrative authorities in the district as may be prescribed by law.

• Formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources
   necessary for the overall development of the district;

• Promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles
  to initiative and development;

• Be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district;

• Initiate, sponsor or carry out studies that may be necessary for the discharge of any of the duties conferred
   by this Act or any other enactment; and

• Guide, encourage and support sub-district local structures, public agencies and local communities to perform their
   functions in the execution of approved development plans;

• Monitor the execution of projects under approved development plans and assess and evaluate their impact on the
  development of the district and national economy in accordance with government policy.



Date Created : 2/18/2020 6:00:04 AM