Development Issues for 2018-2021


Development issues were identified during the community engagements and stakeholder meetings. Key development issues identified during engagement and meetings served as the main development issues confronting the Municipality.

Table: Community Needs from community engagements and Development Issues from Situational Analysis



Harmonization of Community Needs and Aspiration with identified Development Issues from the Performance and Profile



From the table above issues with low score indicate that weak or no relationship signal new or emerging concerns with need to be considered in 2018-2021 medium term plan. However, where the scores are very high, it indicates that there is a strong harmony of community needs and aspiration and key development issues.

Harmonized key development issues with implication for 2018-2021

1. Poor road network

2. Inadequate street lights

3. Inadequate classroom block for basic education

4. Poor drainage system

5. Poor security due to inadequate Police Post

6. Inadequate and Poor state of market infrastructure

7. Inadequate public and household toilet facilities

8. Inadequate health facilities

9. Poor sanitation

10. Slum proliferation and uncontrolled development of settlement and structures

11. Flooding

12. High youth unemployment

13. Lack of developed recreational facilities

Prioritization of development issues

Out of the numerous developmental issues adopted and harmonized in the matrix above, the Assembly prioritizes the following issues adopted from the National Medium-Term Development Policy Framework (NMTDPF 2014-2017). This is due to the scarcity of resources and the timeframe (Medium Term) for the implementation of the Plan.



Ranked development issues

The prioritized issues obtained from the Prioritization are listed below according to rank.

Table: Prioritized Issues


Potential, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges (POCC) Analysis

The POCC is a tool used to analyze developmental issues and examines the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges (POCC) of a specific issue. The Potentials are the resources within the reach of the Assembly, which could be harnessed to enhance developments in the District. The Opportunities are other external factors that the Assembly can take advantage of in enhancing the pace of development.

The Constraints are weaknesses from within which impede development for which steps have to be taken internally to address them. The Challenges are external constraints hampering development, which needs to be overcome. To enhance the formulation of appropriate strategies for more-implementation oriented Plan, the identified priority issues in the Metropolis were taken through the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges analysis. The outcome is presented in the subsequent table.

Date Created : 2/18/2020 5:44:27 AM