Poverty Reduction Plan
The MTDP under the GPRS II aims at providing the needed basic services to the people under the thematic areas of Private Sector Competitiveness, Human Resource Development and Good Governance and Civic Responsibility covering 2006-2009. Therefore to achieve the desired goal of the MTDP for the Tolon District, there is the need to solicit for funds for the smooth implementation of planned projects and programmes.
This Financial plan covers the various sectors where funds are expected to be sourced as follows: IGF. The IGF is the Internally Generated Funds, which covers 8 Revenue heads and it is expected that the District Assembly would tap its locally generated revenue from 2006 to 2009 as follows:
Estimated Estimated Estimated
2006 2007 2008
0429,883,000 0515,859,600 0619,031,520.00
(Increased 20%) (an increased of 20%)
Estimated 2009 0742.837.824.00
a. It is therefore anticipated that grand total revenue of 02,307,611,944.00 would be realised as the Assembly’s locally generated revenue for the four year period, thus showing 80% revenue increase over the GPRS I.
This is a source of additional revenue the District Assembly is expected to receive from the Central Government as its share of governments revenue collected on behalf of all the District Assemblies. The breakdowns of the funds to be received are as follows:
Estimated 2006 Estimated 2007
07,102,000,000.00 07,812,200,000.00 (increased 10%)
Estimated 2008 Estimated 2009
08,953,420,000 (increased 10%) 09,452,763,000
The Assembly has therefore projected that a total funds of 032,960,382,000.00 (32.960bn) would be received from the District Assembly Common Fund, covering the period of the GPRS II, for various developmental projects/programmes.
The subvented grant funds from the central government are disbursed to the District Assembly annually to cover the emoluments of staff/workers. The anticipated breakdowns are as follows:
Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated
2006 2007 2008 2009
0634,678,103.00 0825,081,533.90 01,072,605,994.07 1,394,387.782.29
In all, a total amount of 03,926,753,422.46 is expected to be disbursed as subverted grants from the Central Government as the personnel emoluments under the GPRS
HIPIC Grants
The HIPC funds are financial support from the central government which is aimed at reducing the poverty levels of the people in the communities. These funds are allocated annually and it is anticipated that a total amount of 08bn would be received by the Assembly for various developmental projects under Education, Health and Local Government at the community level, covering the period 2006 to 2009 of the GPRS II.
District Wide Assistance Programme
This is a Donor Funded support program from the Canadian government (CIDA) which is aimed at assisting the District Assembly to carry out some developmental projects in the rural areas. The amount of (zS3.7bn is therefore anticipated from the DWAP during the 2006 to 2009 MTDP.
EU Micro Project
The EU Micro Programme is a collaboration between financial support from government of Ghana and EU nations to support some development projects at the community level. The Assembly is therefore expecting a total of 010.2bn for the EU Micro projects under the MTDP of the GPRS II. The funds would be received annually i.e. from 2006-2009.
The NORPREP is a government intervention aimed at reducing the poverty level of the people in the communities. It is therefore planned that under the GPRS II the District Assembly’s financial support would amount to about cT30bn to be disbursed annually to provide certain development activities spanning 2006 to 2009 financial years.
This is a financial support from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to District Assemblies to carry out projects at the sub-structure level. It is estimated that a total amount of 1 billion would be allocated to the Assembly from 2006-2009 so as to enable some projects to be executed at the Town/Area Councils.
The Assembly also receives funds from UNICEF which go to support some sectors such health, education, watsan and other planning activities. A total financial support of 0200m is therefore to be solicited from UNICEF, covering 2006-2009 financial years for such programmes under the GPRS II.
On the whole, the District Assembly’s Composite financial plan (in addition to sector plans that fall under the 3 Thematic Pillars) of the MTDP gives a grand estimated total of about0278billion to meet its various projects/programmes to be based on the Annual Action Plans.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 9:13:35 AM