Jasikan District Assembly by Legislative instrument 1464 constitutes the highest political and administrative authority in the district (Local Government Act, 1993, Act462).

The Jasikan District Assembly is made up of twenty-six (26) elected members, thirteen (13) government appointees and 0ne (1) Member of Parliament and the District Chief Executive. The District Chief Executive is the political head while the Co-ordinating Director heads the Local Government Service at the district level.

The Assembly Structure

The District Assembly is the highest political and administrative authority (Local Government Act 1993, Act 462 refers).  The District Assembly ensures the overall development of its territorial jurisdiction, promote and support productive activity and social development and initiates programmes for the development of basic infrastructure.  It is also charged with the task of budgeting and the promotion of all collaborative efforts towards the overall development of the district.

The Assembly functions through the Executive Committee, chaired by the District Chief Executive (Cabinet) and five other Sub–committees viz.: Development Planning, Works, Finance and Administration, Justice and Security and Social Services.

However, the Assembly forms various adhoc committees to deal with specific issues as and when they arise.

The following other committees are also within the Assembly to handle specific issues and subject matters:

• Environmental Management

• Disaster Management

• District Water and Sanitation

• Statutory Planning

• Education Oversight

• District Security Committee (DISEC)

• Public Relations and Complaints Committee

• District Tender Committee


The office of the District Assembly represents the secretariat which provides secretarial and advisory services to the Executive Committee on planning, programming and budgeting.  The Secretariat operates through distinct but inter – related units.

The District Assembly also functions through line departments that are decentralized to facilitate the day to day operations of the Assembly.

These are:

1. District Education Directorate

2. District Health Directorate

3. Agriculture Department (MOFA)

4. Physical Planning Department

5. Forestry Department

6. Social welfare and Community Development

7. District Finance Office

8. Works Department.(DWD)

9. Environmental Health Division

10. Trade and Industry


There are also some non – decentralized Departments:

1. The Police Service

2. Internal Revenue Service

3. Electricity Company of Ghana

4. Ghana Water Company

5. The Electoral Commission

6. National Commission for Civic Education

7. Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice

8. Land Valuation Board

9. Labour Department

10. Ghana Library Board

11. Information Services Department

12. Ghana National Fire Service

13. Ghana Youth Employment Development Agency

14. Audit Service

15. Center for National Culture

16. Non – Formal Education

17. Stool Land Commission

18. Traditional Council Registry

19. National Health Insurance Service


Sub – District Structures

The Jasikan District sub-structures has a Town Council located in Jasikan and three (3) Area Council offices located in Atonkor, Bodada and New Ayoma respectively and these sub-structures are not working effectively because the inability of the powers that be to pay and retain the staff. The offices of the sub-structures are being man by the chairmen of the councils and casual workers serving as secretaries. 


Date Created : 11/21/2017 2:23:32 AM