Education Facilities:
Private Public Total
No. of Pre-Schools 12 40 52
No. of Primary Schools 12 54 66
No. of J.S.S 7 38 45
No. of S.S.S 1 2 3
There has been much effort in the provision of educational facilities, notwithstanding the many problems plaguing this sector. There are 68 public primary schools, 53 public junior secondary schools and 2 senior secondary schools.
Enrolment Levels
Gross enrolment rate for kindergarten in the district is very high than primary and junior secondary schools. This is partly due to the Capitation Grant Policy by Government. However, the enrolment rate declines with primary and junior secondary schools.
The district has done well in the provision of infrastructure in the areas of classroom blocks, construction or rehabilitation and provision of furniture. However, many school blocks are in a very poor conditions and need major rehabilitation.
Availability Of Teachers
The pupil/teacher ratio of kindergarten, primary and junior secondary school in the district were found to be 58:1, 46:1 and 25:1 respectively. With regards to staffing it was found that 99.2%, 52.7%, 37.8% and 14.8% of the teachers are untrained in the kindergarten, primary, JSS and SSS respectively.
The high pupil/teacher ratio in the district implies that the existing staff are over stretched or over utilized and there is therefore the need to create more streams to lessen the burden of teachers.
In the district about 62.2% are literate, that means they can read and write and had obtained at least primary education. This means that literacy level is high in the district.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 5:00:45 AM