
The Jomoro Municipal is one of the 22 districts in the Western Region. The Municipality, which used to be part of the then Nzema District was created by Legislative Instrument 1394 in 1988. The capital town of the District is Half Assini. The District has ten area councils (Jomoro Municipal MTDP, 2010).

Jomoro Municipal is located in the South western part of the Western Region of Ghana. It is located between Latitudes 4°, 80² N and 50, 21² N and Longitudes 2°, 35² W and 3°, 07² W. It shares boundaries with Wassa-Amenfi and Aowin-Suaman to the North, Nzema East Municipal to the East and La Côte D’Ivoire to the West and the Gulf of Guinea to the South. The district covers a total land area of 1,495 square kilometres. This is about 5.6 percent of the total land area of the Western Region (Ghana Districts, 2013)

Date Created : 11/20/2017 4:18:58 AM