Investment And Business Potential

In the agricultural sector, the cultivation of coconut and oil palm offers an opportunity for the establishment of industries to produce edible oil and soap.Also, non-traditional crops like pineapple, ginger and black pepper thrive well in the district and can be grown on a large scale for domestic and international markets.


Furthermore, cassava, which is produced in abundance in the district, can be processed into chips for export or gari for the local markets

The climate and soils of the district can support a wide range of crops especially, large-scale tree crop cultivation. The rainfall pattern is congenial for major and lean season farming in a year while the geological formations are rich in minerals like clay, alluvial gold, limestone and silica which can be exploited to generate income.

There are great potentials in the yet underdeveloped industrial sector of the economy. For instance, the abundance of high quality wood offers opportunities for establishing a wood processing industry. In addition, agro-based industries can be used to turn agricultural raw materials into secondary products. The existence of six periodic markets in the district offers opportunities for traders.

The Jewi Wharf and Elubo markets in particular, are regarded as international markets. The long stretch of coastline and the numerous rivers and lagoons that abound in the district lend themselves to extensive fishing activities, thus necessitating the establishment of cold stores in the district. These can be very lucrative especially, during the bumper fishing seasons.

Also, the Tano and Amanzuley Rivers as well as the Abbey Lagoon are navigable and therefore offer opportunities for the establishment of river transport in the district o cart foodstuff and traders to and from the markets.Indeed, opportunities exisit for investors in the promotion and management of all these tourist attractions and the provision of decent hotel accommodation.

Elubo, a major border town with the Cote d’Ivoire, offers unique opportunities for investors. It is one of the fastest growing townships in the country, its population having more than doubled, to reach 5,000 in the fifteen years up to 1999.

With Elubo hooked into the national electricity grid, oppoortunties exist for industrial operations especially, the processing of timber and the promotion of small-scale processing industries, which are integrated with agricultural activity.

Opportunties also exist for the marketing of LP Gas for domestic purposes and banking facilities to offer credit to the productive and trading sectors. In view of the rapid population growth in Elubo. The District Assembly, with the support of the Traditional Authority has streamlined the acquisition of land for housing to attract investors involved in real estate development.

Potential Raw Materials for Cottage Industry:

Bamboo, raffia, cane and clay


Date Created : 11/20/2017 4:50:48 AM