Development Goal, Objectives and Strategies

Development Focus of the Municipality

The Municipality has a very large population size with high underdeveloped human resources. After a careful analysis of the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges (POCC), it was realised that, development can be promoted if attention is paid to human development, employment and productivity. Therefore the Municipal Development Focus is on Human development, employment and productivity.

Goal Formation

The Goal of the Municipality was derived after a careful analysis of the National Goal.

National Goal

The basic goal of the Medium-Term Development Policy Framework (2010-2013) is to addressing the economic imbalances, restabilising the economy and placing it on a path of sustained accelerated growth and poverty reduction towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and middle income status.

Municipal Goal

The goal of the Municipality is to “ensure effective development control, address socio-economic imbalances and achieve accelerated poverty reduction within the context of good governance.”

Development Projections

The Ga South Municipality is a newly created district and as such so much is been done to organize the Assembly structures, logistics and equipments for an effective running of the Assembly. This does not however mean quality service provision to the people is going to be compromise.

The Municipality has a current estimated population of 284,712, which may be 316,091 by 2012. With this increasing population, there is going to be increasing pressure on social facilities within the Municipality. In view of this, the Assembly is going to ensure that more of such facilities are provided by the end of the plan period.

The Municipality is the gateway to the recently oil discovery site. This means that the proximity to these oil fields is high and a lot of people especially the high income earners would like to reside in this municipality.

Moreover, the road project under the Millennium Challenge Account would open up the gates of the Municipality and investors know better the implications of this.

The Ga South is going to embark on an intensive revenue mobilisation to raise huge funds enough to embark on accelerated development projects within the Municipality. The Municipality is very big with a lot of economic activities going on without paying taxes and we aim at seizing the opportunity of this plan to widen our net to cover about 85% of all economic activities especially those in the private sector.

By the end of the plan period, more social facilities as demanded from the communities would be provided and the Assembly would thereafter embark on capital projects to create an enabling environment for private sector development and industrialisation.

Within the plan period, District Assemblies would embark on affordable housing schemes as mandated by the central government. This in addition to the commitment of the Assembly to develop the human resource base within the plan period is going to make the supply of quality human resources high for optimum production.

The Municipality has a coastal area with a lot of Hotels springing up around the coast. This implies, more visitors and investors would come to lodge in this hotels for its proximity to the oil finds and the monies they would expend in this area is going to swell up the income levels of beneficiaries and the whole municipality as a whole.

The economy of Ghana is improving gradually. Our Local Government structures have a lot more to do in terms of development in the not too distant future.

Municipal Priorities


The Assembly has unlimited development projects to undertake but because of limited resources, development projects have been prioritised. But for the limited resources, the Assembly would have intervened in all the development issues in the Municipality.Community perspective on current needs and aspirations were elicited and harmonized to come out with harmonized identified development problems/issues.

The current needs have been linked to the MTDPF (2010-2013) to harmonize the two. This is to verify that the harmonized identified development problem is in tandem with the MTDPF 2010-2013 issues.

Development Priorities

The Assemblies development priorities for the plan period 2010-2013 have been selected in conformity with the requirements of the key thematic areas of the MTDPF 2010-2013. This was done in a close consultation with the  Sectoral Departments.

The Assemblies development priorities under the key thematic areas are listed below:

Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic Stability

•    Promote saving habits of the people

•    Ensure effective price regulations

•    Improve upon revenue and expenditure management

 Infrastructure and Human Settlements Development

•    Extension and renovation of pipelines for water.

•    Extension of electricity

•    Upgrading of Feeder roads

•    Construction & upgrading of markets

•    Development of tourist sites.

•    Maintain Aplaku junction through Kokrobite to Tuba junction Road.

•    Construction of roads

•    Provision of layouts and structural plans

•    Construction and upgrading of lorry parks.

•    Construction and maintenance of drainage facilities

•    Construction of culverts

•    Promote the use of gas and solar as alternative sources of power

•    Promote the provision of decent and affordable housing

•    Ensure effective physical development control

•    Expanding economic and social opportunities especially in the rural areas

•    Ensure effective partnership among Assembly and traditional authorities for a better land    administration

•    Promoting general security in the Municipality. 

 Accelerated Agriculture Modernization and Natural Resource Management

•    Provide office and residential accommodation for agric officers

•    Recover some of the arable lands around the Tuba area.

•    Advocate for the redistribution of arable land

•    Promote modern agricultural practices

•    Ease access to agricultural inputs

•    Encourage and empower the youth into agriculture

  Enhanced Competitive of Ghana’s Private Sector

•    Completion of donor projects

•    Improve upon the Data base Management System of the Assembly

•    Regulate private sector activities in the Municipality

•    Create an enabling environment for the private sector

•    Strengthen the collaboration between the Assembly and the corporate bodies

 Human Development, Employment and Productivity

•    Completion of donor projects

•    Prevention of slums and squatter settlements.

•    Construction & renovation of basic schools

•    Construction of SHSs

•    Construction of boreholes

•    De-silting of major drains.

•    Establishment of Vocational & Tech training centres.

•    Provide grants for brilliant but needy student

•    Extend school feeding programme to all schools.

•    New final waste disposal sites.

•    Treatment of waste water from Oblogo refuse dam

•    Capacity building for human resource development

•    Ensure quality standards of education.

•    Improve upon population data base.

•    Promote the development of SMEs in the municipality

•    Improve access to existing social safety nets

•    Improve access to credit facilities.


Date Created : 11/20/2017 3:35:11 AM