The Composition and Functions of the Assembly’s Administration
The Assembly has a number of staff at post with some needed logistics already procured. Inadequate office space however, remains the most limiting factor for the staffing and information storage for the Assembly for a more efficient work done.
Currently, the Assembly is composed of the following departments that are at post and physically located in the Municipality.
• Central Administration Department
• Finance Department
• Education, Youth and Sports Department
• Municipal Health Department
• Agriculture Department
• Physical Planning Department
• Social Welfare and Community Development Department
• Works Department
• Disaster Prevention Department.
• Department of Social Welfare
• Department of Community Development
• Ghana Health Service
• Department of National Commission for Civic Education
• Police Service
• Ministry of Food and Agriculture
• Central Administration
• Waste Management
• Physical Planning
• Works Department
• Budget and Rating
• Treasury
• Public Health
• Information Services Department
• Development Planning
Moreover, the following governmental and quasi-governmental corporate organizations tactically assist the Assembly in delivery services to the Local people.
• Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL)
• Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG)
• Social Security and National Investment Trust (SSNIT) and other insurance companies
• Banks and other Financial Institutions
• Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Community Based Organisations (CBOs)
The functions of the Assembly according the Local Government Act, Act 462 of 1993 include:
• To implement policies and programmes of the government at the Municipality
• To pass bye-laws to guide the people to live peacefully in its area of jurisdiction
• To collaborate with the Regional Co-ordinating Council to monitor development programmes
• To prepare Development Plans and budgets for the Municipality taking into consideration the priorities in the area.
Responsibilities of the Assembly
According to the Local Government Act, Act 462 of 1993 and the 1992 Constitution of the Republic, the Municipal Assembly is responsible for the following:
• The security, orderliness and maintenance of peace in the Municipality
• The implementation of the decentralization concept by involving all stakeholders at the grass roots level
• The sanitation and environmental issues in the Municipality
• The development of infrastructural base of the Municipality
• Creating the enabling atmosphere for the private sector to strive
• The development of the Municipality by soliciting the views of the civil society, NGO’s, CBO’s and all
manner of people, irrespective of their religion, ethnic and political affiliation.
• Ensuring good governance and respect for human rights as enshrined in the Constitution
• Ensuring equitable distribution of resources to people in various communities
• The involvement of vulnerable and excluded person (women & children) and people with disabilities in the
programmes of the Municipality
Service Standards
The Ga South Municipal Assembly is dedicated to maintaining the standards in the following activities as directed by the Acts and the Constitution of the country as shown in Table 1.18 below:
Aims of the Assembly and its Development Partners
The Assembly with its development partners basically aim at accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Central Government as well as meet the standards of the international community in terms of meeting the targets for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other treaties signed by the country.
Specifically, the Assembly works towards achieving the following aims:
• Ensure open and transparent administration within the concept of decentralization where grass roots
participation of the people in decision making is paramount
• Unearth the numerous economic potentials in the Municipality and to create the enabling environment for
the private sector
• To improve the standard of living of ordinary people in the Municipality by improving their income levels through
agriculture and other alternative livelihood ventures
Participation of Citizenry
Development management is the sole responsibility of the Assembly and its citizenry. In view of this the Assembly gives motivation to CBOs, NGOs, and CSOs etc to operate in the municipality. Various NGO’s have registered with the Assembly to operate in the municipality. Some of these organizations operate in the area of good governance and accountability; others are into education and others into child rights among others.
The main communication strategy is top-bottom and bottom-top approach depending on the source of communication. The Assembly communicates mainly through the Municipal Information Service and the chiefs and their communities communicate to the assembly through Assembly members and unit committees.
There are also Zonal councils through which information is communicated to their respective constituents and dialogues are also organized when necessary. Public hearing is also usually being organized to communicate with communities on developmental issues and decisions. This is done especially during our Medium Term Development Planning process. This brings to bear the inputs and concerns of both the assembly and communities in development planning process so that development becomes a shared responsibility between the Assembly and the communities.
Transparent and Accountable Governance
• Strengthening the capacities of the Assembly, sub-structures, CBOs and various associations
• Construction of office blocks for Zonal Councils
• Construction of a district magistrate court
• Institute community mobilization fund for Ass. Members
• Government intervention to chieftaincy disputes.
• Provision of police stations.
• Eliminate community factions.
• Widen revenue base and improve upon mobilization of revenue for the Assembly
• Ensure gender equality in decision making
Date Created : 11/20/2017 3:08:23 AM