• Item
Adansihene launches 10-years anniversary
Adansi North Assembly joins Dompoase community for clean-up exercise
UDS team tours Adansi North District Hospital
Adansi North District health committee duly inaugurated
Adansi North: 46 SHS students write level II mathematics examination
MP and DCE embark on community engagement
ADANSI NORTH: Residents urged to report symptoms of TB


Manufacturing Industries

Industries like Wood Processing into T&G can be found in the district in places like Adiembra, Asokwa and Tasiliman.  


The processing of palm fruits into palm oil and palm kennel as well as gari processing industries are scatted all over the district especially in places like Dompoase, Ayokoa, Fumso and others.



Date Created : 11/10/2017 5:32:48 AM