PFJ 2 Commences in the Adansi North District

The District Department of Agriculture, Adansi North, on the 8th April, 2024 organised a durbar at the Amoanimaa Dede II hall- Fomena, to sensitize stakeholders on the second phase of Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ2.0) farmer registration and farm mapping as part of steps to kick start the PFJ2 programme.

Date Created : 4/15/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Josephine Anamoah -Hayford/

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Kusi Kwaku Eric encouraged all stakeholders present especially farmers to take the programme seriously and register to be part of PFJ2.0 as a means to boost their economic profit.

The District Head of the Agricultural Department Mr Prince Asare in his address explained that, the objective of PFJ2.0 is to promote import substitution, food export, job creation and ensure food security and resilience in the country as he stressed that, the programme is a five year private sector focus oriented project which seeks to robe in all farmers especially women and the youth.

He added that, PFJ 2.0 will not deal with direct input subsidy but will be geared towards smart Agricultural credit on items such as quality fertilizer, improved seeds, support services and secured credit. Storage and distribution infrastructure, commodity trading to guarantee market and stabilize prices, digital Agricultural and Agribusiness platform including line of sight management, monitoring and coordination.

In a presentation made by the District Crop Officer, Mr. Thomas Dzandu emphasized that, PFJ2.0 will be driven by four commodity value chains namely; Grains and Legumes, Vegetables, Plantain & Roots and Tubers and lastly Poultry with 11 selected commodities such as rice, maize, soybeans, tomatoes, onion, pepper, cassava, yam, plantain and poultry under them signifying the diets of Ghanaians across the country.

He revealed that, the programme will have aggregators or middlemen who will be assigned to each zone and farmers assigned to them for the purposes of providing them with all the afore mentioned products and services.He stressed that, farmers would be registered biometrically and so they should have all personal details and documents ready for registration by their Area Extension Officers to be part of the programme.

Nananom, Farmers across the District and other stakeholders were present at the durbar.