Development Focus,Goals

Development Focus, Goals, Objectives and Strategies, which embody the ultimate development vision and aspirations of the people constitutes the framework, which defines the District Development Plan.


These operate within the framework of national development goals and aspirations as spelt out in Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II) 2006 - 2009. Through consultations with communities, Assembly members, opinion leaders, heads of decentralized departments and the private sector operators within the District, an analysis of potentials, opportunities, constraints and challenges to development within the District, the following have been derived.



To ensure a better standard of living for all people in the district through the provision of social services, wealth creation, and by empowering the people to participate in making and implementing decisions that affect their lives within a decentralized democratic environment.


Development Focus

To ensure that all people in the District, Irrespective of their socio-economic status and locations are given equal opportunities to increase income, have access to basic social Services such as health care and quality education, potable drinking water and sanitation, decent housing and security from crime and violence and participate in making decisions that affect their own lives.


Development Projection for 2006-2009
Private sector competitiveness

• To increase agricultural production and productivity

• To enhance employment opportunities in the District

• To improve access to credit facilities for agricultural related activities.

• To improve support services (transportation, energy & science and Technology) within the District.

• To improve upon the information communication and Technology base of the District

Human Resource Development

1. To ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement in education and sports in the District.

2. To upgrade the skills of public servants

3. To facilitate entrepreneurial skills of privates sector operators

4. To improve access to health care To integrate the vulnerable, excluded and persons physically challenged into the mainstream of development.

5. To improve access to water and sanitation facilities

6. To improve office and residential accommodation in the District.

Good Governance

• Promote private sector/community participation in development

• To improve political governance within the District

• To strengthen the financial capacity of the District Assembly in terms of revenue mobilization and generation

• Improve District Assembly expenditure management

Private sector competitiveness

1. To reduce the incidence of poverty from 46% (2006) to 40% by the year 2009.

2. Facilitate access to credit by 100 farmers annually.

3. Rehabilitate 100 Km of road annually

4. Extend Electricity to six more communities under the SHEP programme by the year 2009

5. Provide internet facilities to two communities in the District by 2009.

6. To train and employ 1000 unemployed youth by 2009

Human Resource Development

• To increase general enrolment in primary schools by 5% annually.

• To increase general enrolment in J.S.S by 3% annually

• To reduce the incidence of malaria from the current figure of 24,511 (2005) by 5% annually

• Reduce incidence of H1V/A1DS by 10% annually,

• Improve welfare of the vulnerable and excluded

Good governance and civic responsibility

• Increase Assembly’s locally generated revenue by 10% annually.

• Empower five women groups in the District through training and provision of credit annually

• Strengthening the capacity of the law enforcement agencies in the District by 2009

• Strengthen the capacities of members of the eleven Urban, Town and Area councils by the year 2008

Private sector competitiveness

1. promotion of Commercial agriculture using environmentally friendly technologies

2. Facilitate access to Credit

3. Train the youth in employable skills

4. Appeal to Traditional Authorities and Individual landowners to release land for commercial agriculture and industry.

5. Encouragement of Private Participation in development

6. Liaising with DFR/GHA and other development partners to improve roads, bridges, culverts

7. Formation of farmer based organizations to ease access to inputs and credit

8. Improvement of extension services to farmers

9. Improve access to electrical energy Accelerate growth of small and medium scale manufacturing industries through the diffusion of appropriate technologies and vibrant training programmes

Human Resource Development

• Promotion of girl child education.

• Construction and rehabilitation of schools

• Provision of accommodation for teachers

• Provision of teaching and learning materials

• Widespread distribution and use of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) especially among pregnant women and children.

• Mobilization of funds to support the fight against HIV/AIDS

• Improvement of case management of malaria in health facilities and households.

• Provision of financial and technical support for health institutions.

• Specific Interventions for identified vulnerable and excluded.

• Development of a system that enforces rights and protection for the vulnerable.

• Prevention of disasters and mitigation of their impact on the poor.

Good Governance

1. Education on private -public partnership

2. Creation of enabling environment for the development of the private sector

3. Training of District Assembly Staff

4. Computerization of revenue generation and management.

5. Expansion of revenue base of the Assembly

6. Improvement of D/A financial



Development Focus


The basic goal of the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda(GSGDA) 2010-2013 is to addressing the economic imbalances, re-stabilizing the economy, placing it on a path of sustained accelerated growth and poverty reduction towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and middle income status. Within this context, and based on specific problems of the district as well as the mission statement of the Kwaebibirem District Assembly, three key issues were identified as being central to poverty reduction and improved living conditions in the district and also to move in the same direction with the national goal.


These include:

wealth creation through the use of agriculture provision of basic social services for human development popular participation


Therefore, the overall goal of the medium-term development plan is:

To ensure a better standard of living for all people in the district through the provision of social services, wealth creation through agriculture, and by empowering the people to participate in making and implementing decisions that affect their lives within a decentralized democratic environment


Goals, Objectives and Strategies

Towards achieving the overall goal of the plan stated above, the following thematic and sectoral goals, objectives and strategies are expected to be realised by the end of 2013. The set goals, objectives and strategies of the various thematic areas are as follows.


Development Projection for 2010 – 2013

Improvement and Sustenance of Macro-economic stability

- To improve upon the revenue base of the District Assembly

- To enhance and improve income and savings among the people

- To reduce the debt of the District Assembly

- To increase the number of revenue collectors

- To reduce the number of revenue defaulters

- To improve upon the administration of the DA revenue

- To enhance employment among the youth


Infrastructure and Human Development

Economic Infrastructure

- To improve upon exiting feeder roads and construct new roads

- To extend and improve upon electricity supply

- To reduce the cost of transportation

- To improve support services (telecommunication, technology and science)

Human Settlement

- To improve upon plan implementation and enforce planning and building regulations

- To enhance human capacity for land use planning

- To reduce uncontrolled/haphazard rural and peri-urban development

- To improve land acquisition

- To improve on the quality of housing stock

- To improve access to sanitary facilities

- To ensure proper environmental conditions

- To budget adequately for sanitary services

Agricultural Modernization and Natural Resource Management

- To increase agricultural production

- To improve upon the prices of farm produce

- To reduce post harvest losses

- To reduce the cost of agricultural machinery



- To improve upon the adoption of agricultural research

- To recruit more extension officers



- To rehabilitate existing feeder roads and construct new ones


- To control urban growth

- To ensure sustainable management of forest and land resources

- To minimize erosion/mining in the built environment

- To protect river and water bodies


- To improve access to credit facilities for agricultural related activities

- To enhance the capacity of FBOs to access or deliver services


Food Security

- To improve upon seasonal variability in food supply and food prices due to climate changes

- To reduce the cost of production

- To improve industrial infrastructure

- To improve upon since and Technology within local industries

- To improve upon waste management in local industries


Enhancing competitiveness in Ghana’s Private Sector

Capital Formation

- To improve access to capital for local entrepreneurs

- To involve the private sector in the Assembly fee fixing resolutions

- To enhance job opportunities in the district

Capacity Development

- to improve upon the managerial skills of local entrepreneurs

- to assist in training local entrepreneurs


Youth Development

- To create job opportunities for the youth

- To improve opportunities for the youth to gain and retain skills through innovative means as well as apprenticeship

- To reduce casualization among private sector workers


Tourism Development

- To document develop tourism potentials of the District


Human Development, Productivity and Employment


- to improve gender parties in school enrolment

- to improve access to quality pre-school education

- to improve enrolment in all stages of school

- to ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement in educational infrastructure


Teacher Development

- To improve upon supervision in schools

- To improve upon ICT skills of teachers

- To improve remuneration and motivation of teachers


Sports Development

- To improve upon sports facilities for skill development



- To increase the number and quality of health facilities

- To bridge the gab in access to health care in the district

- To reduce infant and maternal mortality

- To reduce mobility and mortality from malaria

- To improve upon the health status of the people



- to reduce the rate of infection of HIV/AIDs/STIs

- to reduce stigmatization associate with PLHWA


Population Management

- To improve population data for planning

- To make available family planning services youth friendly


Water and Sanitation

- To increase access to potable water

- To provide toilet facilities for the people


Transparent and Accountable Government

- To increase interest of the citizen in the decentralization

- To enhance the capacity of the DA to ensure improved performance and service delivery

- To strengthen the sub-structures to perform as enshrined in Act 462

- To arouse interest of the people in the democratic process

Fiscal Policy

- To improve upon the Internally Generated Fund (IGF)

- To reduce the debt of the Assembly

- To ensure prudent financial management

- To ensure effective supervision of revenue collectors


Women Empowerment

- To ensure adequate representation of women in the District Assembly

- To eliminate the prevalence of outmoded customs inimical to women rights

- To improve women access to economic resources


Public Safety

- To reduce the level of violent crimes

- To reduce the rate of drug abuse among the youth

- To improve upon environmental conditions to reduce associated with rainstorm


Rights and Entitlement (Vulnerable and Excluded)

- To reduce unemployment among the vulnerable and excluded

- To reduced the incidence of child labour


National Culture

- To document the culture of the people of Kwaebibirem

- To reduce the incidence of chieftaincy disputes in the district


Reducing Poverty and Income Inequalities

- To reduce the high incidence of poverty among farmers especially food crop farmers

- To reduce illiteracy among women

- To ensure pro-poor growth strategies for poor in the district

- To increase pre school infrastructure




Goal: Collection and management of the District Assembly’s revenue improved

Objective 1: To increase the Assembly’s Internally Generated Funds (IGF) by 30% annually.


Collate data on ratable items by 2010

Organise tax education thrice annually

Strengthen supervision and reporting systems to minimise revenue leakages

Increase the capacity of revenue collectors by annually

Review and revise existing rates and fess/charges annually.

Gazette fee fixing resolution annually.


Objective 2: To improve upon the administration of the DA revenue system annually.



Train 3 core staff of C & AG Department annually

Ensure proper debt management

Reduce forward award of projects in 2010

Computerize Assembly finances by 2011

Train 2 core staff of the Internal Audit Unit annually


Objective 3: To employ 1000 youth under the NYEP by 2011



Identify and register all unemployed youth in the district by 2011

Identify and register all master tradesmen by 2011

Facilitate the engagement of the youth into the NYEP



Goal: Access to capital by local entrepreneurs improved

Objective 1: To assist 20 local entrepreneurs to access capital annually


Identify and register potential SMEs

Conduct capacity and needs assessment on SMEs

Organise SMEs into groups

Organise workshop for local SMEs

Link local SMEs to sources of credit


Objective 2: To involve local SMEs in DA decision making annually


Facilitate the formation of SMEs into groups

Involve organised SMEs in DA fee fixing annually

Locate at least 25% of DA contracts to local SMEs


Youth Empowerment

Goal: Empower the youth to become employable

Objective 1: To improve the skills of the youth by enrolling 1000 youth into the NYEP and vocational schools by 2013



Identify and register the youth

Conduct needs assessment for the youth

Develop the skills and potentials of the youth

Enroll the youth in the requisite NYEP modules and vocational institutions


Objective 2: To assist 100 skilled youth to settle by 2013



Provide basic tools for the skilled youth

Organise the skilled youth into co-operatives

Provide workshops for the skilled groups


Capacity Development

Goal: Management skills of local SMEs developed

Objective 1: To facilitate the development of 100 SMEs by 2013



Identify and register local SMEs

Conduct needs assessment for local SMEs

Organise workshops for local SMEs on groups dynamics and financial management

Tourism Development

Goal: Tourism potential of the District Developed

Objective 1: To develop 4 tourist attraction of the District by 2013


Identify and locate all tourist potentials in the district

Enter into partnership with the private sector to develop 4 sites




Goal: Agricultural production in the District improved and sustained.

Objective 1: To improve upon farmers’ adoption to improved farming techniques by

20 % by 2013


Increase extension services to 15,000 farmers by 2013

Introduce efficient and locally adaptable farming techniques to 10,000 farmers by 2013


Objective 2: To reduce the rate of post harvest loses in the district by 30% by 2013



Construct/rehabilitate 100 km of feeder roads annually

Assist to process 100 tons of oil palm annually

Facilitate the construction of four agro-based industries by 2013

Objective 3: To improve farmer’s access to farm inputs by 15% by 2013



Develop schemes to provide 2000 farmers access to inputs annually

Facilitate the formation of 30 farmers associations and agricultural co-operatives annually

Facilitate and link 30 FBOs to credit facility annually


Objective 4: To improve the marketing of farm produce by 20% by 2013


Assist 53 FBOs to acquire improved storage facilities annually

Construct/rehabilitate 2 markets annually

Assist 3 FBOs to go into agro-processing by 2012



Objective 5: To improve the adoption of research findings to 2000 farmers annually


Facilitate the formation of 30 FBOs annually

Set up 11 demonstration farms annually

Recruit 5 more extension officers by 2013


Economic Infrastructure

Goal: Improve access to economic infrastructure in the district.

Objective 1: To improve the road network in the district by 30% by 2013


Rehabilitate 100 km of existing roads annually

Construct 4 new roads by 2013



Goal: Ensure sustainable environmental management

Objective 1: To control the extent of urban growth


Prepare planning schemes for 2 communities annually

Enforce bylaws of development of housing in the district annually

Train 3 staff of the Town and Country Planning Department annually

Recruit one more building inspector by 2011

Educate 20 communities on the building code annually


Objective 2: To reduce the depletion of forest and land resources by 10% annually


Institute and enforce regulations for people whose activities depend on forest and land resources annually


Enforce District Assembly bylaws on the environment annually

Initiate reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded lands/forest by planting 10,000 trees by 2013


Objective 3: To reduce the extent of erosion in 30 communities by 2013


Educate 10 communities on land conservation methods annually

Encourage the planting of grass around homes annually

Construct drains in 3 major town by 2013


Objective 4: To protect the Birim River by 2013


Enforce DA bylaws on the environment annually

Link up with traditional leaders to enforce local rules on farming along the river

Link up with EPA/Department of mines to discourage mining in the river bed

Plant 4000 trees along the river basin by 2013



Goal: Improve access to credit for agricultural and related activities

Objective 1: To improve access to credit facilities to 200 farmers annually


Facilitate the formation of 30 FBOs annually

Facilitate and link 30 FBOs to source of credit annually

Food Security

Goal: Improve upon seasonal variability in food supply and prices

Objective 1: To increase the supply of local stables by 20% annually


Construct 2 small irrigation schemes by 2013

Assist 5000 farmers to acquire improved plating materials annually

Assist 20 agro processors to acquire storage facilities by 2012


Objective 2: To improve upon science and Technology in 20 small scale agro processing industries by 2013




Facilitate the formation of agro-processing group Association by 2011

Link Agro-processing groups to BAC/REP by 2011

Facilitate the procurement of modern agro-processing equipment for the groups by 2012


Objective 3: To improve waste management in 60 local agro processing industries by 10% by 2013


Strengthen the linkage between 10 local agro-processors and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by 2011


Build the capacity of 20 local agro processors in proper waste management annually.


Objective 3: To reduce the cost of production by 15% by 2013



Facilitate the opening of inputs shops in the district

Create land banks in the district

Organise mass spraying of cocoa farms




Goal: Access to Development and Productive Infrastructure Improved

Objective 1: To improve the road network in the district by 25% by 2013




Rehabilitate and maintain 100 km of existing roads annually

Construct 10 new roads by 2013

Tarr Wenchi – Oda road by 2011

Complete Subi – Kwae road by 2013

Construct two major bridges by 2013

Tarr Abodom-Pramkese road by 2012

Complete Boadua-Dwenease road by 2012

Objective 2: Expand electricity coverage to eight more communities by 2013


Connect 8 communities to the national grid by 2012

Link Kade power supply to Abirem system at Subi by 2010

Expand electricity coverage in Kade, Asuom, Akwatia, Boadua, Pramkese and Nkwantanang by 2011

Objective 3:

To extend internet facility to the District Assembly and Soabe & Otumi by 2012



Connect intercom facilities to all DA offices by 2012

Complete ICT centre Soabe and equip it by 2013

Complete ICT centre at Otumi and equip it by 2012

Link DA offices to internet facilities by 2012



Goal: Ensure sustainable environmental management

Objective 1: To reduce the extend of erosion in 15 communities by 2013



Prepare planning schemes for 5 communities annually

Educate 5 communities on land conservation annually

Construct drains in Nkwantanang, Otumi, Kade, Akwatia and Wenchi by 2013

Objective 2: To increase the number of public toilet by 5 annually


Rehabilitate 15 existing toilets

Acquire land for construction of toilets in Urban areas

Construct 5 public toilets annually.

Acquire refuse equipments for Environmental Health Division annually


Objective 3: To reduce the depletion of forest and land resources by 10% by 2013


Institute and enforce regulations for people whose activities depend directly on forest/land resources


Enforce District Assembly by-laws on environmental protection

Initiate reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded lands/forest in 10 communities by 2013


Facilities the formation of 10 environmental task force 10 communities


Objective 4: To improve solid waste management in twenty communities by 2013


Provide proper lay out for 20 communities by 2013

Construct waste collection depots in 20 communities by 2013

Provide 2 No final solid and waste disposal sites by 2011

Acquire and maintain refuse disposal equipment and other logistics annually



Goal: Access and quality education in the district improved

Objective 1: To improve gender parity in school enrolment to 1: 1 by 2013


Organise enrolment drive in communities annually

Construct 2 pre-school facilities annually

Initiate action on girl child education


Objective 2: To improve enrolment in all stages of school by 10% by 2013


Review and expand scholarship schemes

Organise enrolment drive annually


Objective 3: To increase the quantity and quality of educational infrastructure by 8 No annually


Construct 24 new school blocks to replace dilapidated and temporal structures 2013

Provide 3000 pieces of furniture for schools in need of furniture annually

Provide 6. No 3-unit classroom blocks for SHS by 2013


Objective 4: To improve academic performance of pupils from the current 75% to 85% by 2013


Organise in service training for teachers annually

Provide 4 No accommodation for teachers in deprived areas by 2013

Provide adequate teaching and learning materials

Sponsor 50 teacher trainees for ICT and French education by 2013

Intensify guidance and counseling in schools

Sanction indiscipline teachers

Intensify supervision in schools

Motivate hardworking teachers and pupils


Objective 5: To involve all key stakeholders in decision making and management of schools



Organise seminar/workshop for PTAs, SMCs, DEOC and opinion leaders

Organise stakeholders meeting at the beginning of every term and the end of every school term


Motivate stakeholders to participate in the management of schools


Sports Development

Goal: Sports in the district developed

Objective 1: To develop sports for skill development for 1000 youth by 2013


Construct and develop 10 playing fields for schools and communities

Procure sports equipments for 30 schools by 2013

Encourage the formation of keep fit clubs



Goal: Health status of the people improved

Objective 1: To increase access to health services by 10% annually


Provide health infrastructure in 6 communities by 2013

Strengthen 30 community health planning systems (CHPS) by 2013

Provide adequate training for the District Health Service annually

Facilitate the mutual health insurance scheme to register 180,000 people by 2013



Objective 2: To improve the quality and bridge the gab of health services by 5% annually


Increase the number of health personnel by 5% annually

Organise in service training for 10 health personnel annually

Maintain the stock levels of essential drugs

Strengthen the quality Assurance System in health facilities

Provide adequate logistics to health personnel

Provide other ancillary services at Kade hospital (e.g. X-ray machined by 2013

Objective 3: To reduce mobility and mortality from malaria by 10% annually


Distribute 4000 treated mosquitoes nets to pregnant women and school children

Enforce environmental sanitation by law


Objective 4: To reduce maternal mortality from 14 to 0 by 2013


Train 100 traditional Birth Attendance by 2013

Post qualified mid-wives to rural communities

Rehabilitate major roads

Intensify health education in communities

Enter into partnership with GPRTU/PROTOA to transport women to health facilities


Objective 5: To reduce the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS/STI from 9.1% to 4.3% by 2013


Intensify public education on HIV/AIDS/STI in 200 communities by 2013

Identify and care for 30 PLWHA annually

Provide voluntary counseling and testing services in all health centres by 2013

Population Management

Goal: Teenage pregnancy reduced in the district by 50% by 2013

Objective 1: To make available family planning services youth-friendly by 2013.


Educate the public on teenage pregnancy

Establish 2No. youth –friendly service centers at Kade and Akwatia

Enforce laws on defilement

Intensify family life education in 40 schools annually

Form virginity clubs in all JHS by 2013


Objective 2: To compile population data for effective planning by 2012



Incorporate collection of population data in annual action plan.

Budget for collection of population data in annual supplementary estimates

Train 3 core staff in data collection techniques annually.



Goal: Access to potable water in the district improved.


Objective 1: To ensure that 90% of communities in the district have access to potable water by 2013.




Sensitise 60 communities on Governments policy on the provision of potable water annually

Construct 3 new small water systems by 2013

Rehabilitate 15 No boreholes annually

Construct 35 boreholes for needy communities by 2013

Improve upon the water supply in Kade ,Asuom and Akwatia by 2013



Goal: Poverty in the District reduced


Objective1: To reduce the high incidence of poverty among 3000 farmers by 2013



Identify potential food crop far in the district

Conduct capacity needs assessment on food crop farmers

Organise food crop farmers into co-operatives

Link groups to sources of credit and inputs


Objective2: To reduce high illiteracy among 400 women by 2013



Collate data on illiterate women farmers by 2011

Organise women into groups

Link groups to Non Formal Education Unit for training

Objective3: To increase employment among the youth by employing 300 youth under the NYEP annually.



Collate data on unemployed youth in the district by2010

Conduct needs assessment on the youth

Place 500 youth under the appropriate models of the NYEP


Objective4: To ensure that pro-poor growth strategies for the poor are implemented annually.



Train core staff in pro-poor strategy planning

Identify the location of the poor in the district

Conduct needs assessment for the poor in the district

Involved the poor in the planning of the district


Objective 5: To increase access to pre school education by 10% annually



T o construct 2no. pre schools annually

To Sponsor 5 teachers to attend Training Colleges for pre schools annually

Institute education drive annually




Goal: Good governance in the district enhanced


Objective 1: To improve upon the capacity of the District Assembly to ensure improved performance and service delivery.



Train 25 District Assembly staff annually

Provide office accommodation for 2 departments annually

Construct 1No staff bungalow annually

Provide logistical support for 6 departments annually

Strengthen the capacity of the DPCU by 2011

Recruit 4 additional support staff annually


Objective 2: To deepen the interest of the people interest in the decentralisation process



Strengthen the capacity of the sub-structures by 2011

Develop a good working relationship with civil society

Deepen working and consultation with the traditional authorities

Strengthen the capacity of the Assembly Members annually


Objective 3: To enhance the integration of the decentralised departments by 2012


Commence the preparation of the composite budget to cover all decentralised departments by 2012

Strengthen the functional relationships between the Assembly and decentralised departments and units of the Assembly by 2011


Objective 4: To strengthen the sub –structures to perform as enshrined in ACT 462


Provide office accommodation for 4 Area councils by 2013

Inaugurate all Urban, Town and Area Councils by 2010

Train all councilors by 2011

Equip all the sub-structures by 2013


Women Empowerment

Goal: Women in the district empowered.


Objective1: To increase women representation in the District Assembly from 13 to 30 by 2013



Identify potential women Assembly members

Build potential Assembly women capacities

Link potential Assembly Women to civil societies/NGOS for support


Objective2: To eliminate all outmoded customs inimical to women right



Identify all outmoded costumes inimical to women rights by 2010

Document t all such customs by 2010

Pass by-law on such customs by2011


Objective 3: To assist 100 women to access credit facilities annually



Identify 100 potential women annually

Assist 100 potential women to form co-operatives

Link women groups to sources of credit annually

Public safety

Goal: Public safety in the district is enhanced


Objective1: To reduce the level of all crimes by 25% by 2013



Conduct regular and consistent public education annually

Request for 5 additional police personnel annually

Build two additional police stations by 2013

Rehabilitate the district magistrate court by2010

Objective 4: To improve the environmental condition to reduce associated rainstorm in the district.



Embark on public education on bushfires and floods annually

Plant 6000 trees in towns and schools in the district by 2013

Construct drains in Kade and Akwatia by 2013

Rights and Entitlements (Vulnerable and Excluded)


Goal: The vulnerable and the excluded empowered


Objective1: To improve employment among the vulnerable and excluded by 5%annually



Identify and register the vulnerable in the district

Access the needs of the vulnerable in the district

Assist 20 vulnerable to be employed under the NYEP annually

Set aside a percentage of the DACF for the vulnerable annually


Objective 2: To reduce child labour in 11 identified communities by 50% by 2013



Identify and register all children in child labour by 2010

Form community child labour implementation committees in 10 communities by 2010

Link child labour implementation to NGOs to needs assessment by 2010

Place children in child labour in appropriate institutions by 2010


National Culture


Goal: Culture of the people of Kwaebibirem documented


Objective1: To document the culture of the people of Kwaebibirem



Liaise with Traditional Authorities to collect information on the culture of the people by 2012

Organise home coming for all citizens of Kwaebibirem by 2012

Create a website for Kwaebibirem culture by 2013


Objective2: To reduce chieftaincy disputes in the district by 80% by 2013



Strengthen the Kwaebibirem Chiefs Association by 2011

Educate Chief makers on the dangers o unqualified chiefs

Facilitate the solving of chieftaincy disputes in the district

Report possible chieftaincy conflicts to national security for advice

Development Problems

Summary of Key Development Problems, Potentials,

Opportunities, Constranints and Challenges (POCC)

Summary of Key Development Problems Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints And Challenges (Pocc)


The development problems in the district are as summary below

Privite Sector Competitiveness


1. Low level of production.

2. Unfavourable prices for farm produce.

3. High cost of transportation.

4. Post Harvest losses.

5. Difficulty in land acquisition.

Economic infrastructure

1. Poor road network and conditions of feeder roads.

2. Inadequate power and communication facilities.

Service and Industry

1. Inadequate capital

2. Problems of land acquisition

3. Lack of coordination among service providers

4. High cost of inputs

5. High cost of transportation.


1. Depletion of the vegetation.

2. Land degradation (soil erosion)

3. Drying up of perennial rivers.

4. Bushfire.




Low revenue base of the Assembly

Low income and savings among the people

Increasing debt of District Assembly

Poor revenue administration

Inadequate revenue collectors

High rate of revenue defaulters

High rate of unemployment and underemployment among the youth



Poor quality of roads

Inadequate electricity supply

High cost of transportation

Lack of co-ordination among service problems

Poor plan implementation and weak enforcement of planning and building regulations

Inadequate human capacities for land use planning

Uncontrolled/haphazard rural and peri-urban development

Difficulty in land acquisition

Poor quality rural housing

Inadequate access to sanitation facilities

Poor environmental sanitation

Inadequate budgetary allocation for sanitary services

Inadequate potable water supply




Low level of agricultural production

Unfavourable prices for farm produce

High rate of post harvest losses

High cost of agricultural machinery

Low adoption of agricultural research

Inadequate extension officers

Poor road network and conditions of feeder roads to production centres

Rapid urban growth

Depletion of the vegetation

Land degradation

Drying up of perennial rivers

Lack of capital and high cost of capital

Undeveloped capacity of FBOs to access or deliver services

Seasonal variability in food supply and food prices due to climate changes

High cost of production

Inadequate industrial infrastructure

Obsolete technology

Degradation of the forest

Destruction of the environment, pollution by illegal miners

Inefficient industrial waste management



Lack of access to capital (finance)

Informal nature of business

Limited managerial skills

Limited training

High taxes and fees which are poorly administered

Limited job opportunities for the youth

Lack of opportunities to gain and retrain skills through innovative means as well as apprenticeship and employment

Increasing casualisation among private sector enterprise (GOPDC)

Limited exploitation of potentials in the tourism sector




Inadequate access to quality pre-school education

Low school enrolment

Poor condition of basic school educational infrastructure

Low supervision

Limited ICT skills at all levels

Low motivation and remuneration of teachers

Low quality of education

Weak infrastructure for TVET

High gender disparities in school enrolment

Non performing SMCs/PTA

Inadequate attitudinal change relating to population, family life education, gender, health,. HIV/AIDS/STI


Inadequate sports facilities for skills development



inadequate health infrastructure

large gap in access to health care

high infant and maternal mortality

high mobility and mortality from malaria

poor health status of the people

high rate of HIV/AIDS/STI

high Stigmatisation of PLHWA

inadequate population data for planning

high rate of self medication

poor sanitary conditions in health institutions




Inadequate access to water

Inadequate public toilets



Low interest of the citizens in the decentralization process

Weak capacity of DA to ensure improved performance and service delivery

Non- performing sub-structures of the DA

Low interest of the people in the democratic process



Weak revenue mobilization by the DA

Over dependence on the DACF and donor support

Weak financial management

Ineffective supervision of revenue collectors



Inadequate women representation at the District Assembly

Prevalence and practice of outmoded customs inimical to women rights

Inadequate access to economic resources



High level of violent crimes

High rate of drug abuse

High risks associated to rainstorm



High level of unemployment among the vulnerable and excluded

High rate of child labour


Limited documentation on Kwaebibirem culture and history

High rate of chieftaincy disputes



High incidence of poverty among farmers, especially food crop farmers

High illiteracy rate among women

Lack of pro-poor growth strategies for the poor





Date Created : 11/24/2017 6:55:35 AM