The primary roads in the Municipality total about 184 kilometres. These roads link Nkwanta with Damanko, Dambai and Kadjebi. The road which passes through Nkwanta is an important road on the national network, providing the shortest route from Accra to Tamale. There are also another 106 kilometres of secondary roads feeding these primary roads.

Nkwanta South Municipal has 10 major local markets and six minor ones, all of which are weekly. There are two banking and credit institutions in the district, branches of Ghana Commercial Bank and Agricultural Development Bank. The district health delivery system is managed by the District Health Management Team, which comprises technical and professional staff from various health divisions.

There is a health centre at Nkwanta South, five health posts and five clinics situated in various towns in the district. Drugs for all curative services are purchased on cash and carry basis from the health facilities, which aim at cost-recovery. There are 25 kindergartens in the district and a first cycle education system made up of 91 primary and 38 junior secondary schools. There are three Senior secondary schools at Nkwanta South, Brewaniase and Kpasa.




Date Created : 11/23/2017 7:29:44 AM