Ethnic misunderstanding affecting revenue collection- Nkwanta South MCE

Mr. Felix Owusu Gyimah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Nkwanta South, said the Assembly’s collection of revenue has taken a dip due to the ethnic misunderstanding in the enclave.

Date Created : 4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Patience Tawiah/

He said revenue collectors had not met targets for its Internally Generated Fund (IGF) for some time now resulting from the current security issues in the Municipality.

The MCE said Nkwanta South used to be a bustling business centre in the Oti Region, where mobilisation of the Assembly's revenue was an easy task for the collectors but due to the shooting incidents that rocked the enclave revenue collection had been in limbo.

Misunderstandings broke between Akyodes, Challas and Adeles leading to a shooting incident that took the lives of some 16 people last October, with subsequent insecurity issues and placement of curfew in the area.

Mr. Owusu Gyimah said all developmental projects were also in limbo as the Assembly had failed to generate the necessary IGF.

He, however, called on all stakeholders, opinion leaders, youth leaders and citizens to think about the betterment of the area and allow peace to reign.

He said the Assembly could not execute any developmental plans due to the security issues and urged all to bury their differences to ensure growth of the municipality.