Improving the health status of the poor is crucial for poverty reduction. An important challenge in improving the health status of the poor is how to ensure a balance between direct health care and preventive aspects, especially in the provision of safe water and sanitation. The Nkwanta South Municipal Health Service comprise of the Ministry of Health, Mission, Private and Community Sectors.

The health delivery system is managed by the District Health management Team (DHMT) which is headed by the District Director of Health Services. Among the services provided by the DHMT are Health Administration, Health Promotion and Curative Services, Maternal and Child Health/Family Planning Services and Disease Control and Preventive Services. The Team is also responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of the various divisions and collaborate with other health related sectors for the promotion of health development and disease prevention.

The Municipality has been zoned around its health facilities into sub-districts to facilitate health delivery. Each zone is managed by a Sub-District Health Team (SDHT) under the supervision of the DHMT. The District currently has five SDHTs at Tutukpene,Kecheibi, Brewaniase, Kpassa and Nkwanta.
Health Facilities

There are nine health facilities in the district.

Staffing Position:

The staffing position at all the health facilities in the district is not encouraging at all. There is only one doctor in the district. There are some facilities without health personnel at all e.g. Odumase, Chillinea and Azua.

Disease Situation:

The most commonly reported disease is Malaria. Malaria is also the highest cause of death in the district. This implies that sanitation in the district should be given greater attention. Diarrhea which also features prominently   is associated with unsanitary personal, domestic   and environmental practices pointing to the same fact that, sanitation be given greater attention.

Malaria Control:

The Municipal is involved in a number of Malaria control programmes including Roll Back. Malaria Programme and measures such as environmental cleanliness, netting of doors and windows, personal protection and the use of impregnated bed nets. But Malaria still accounts for over 40% of all OPD attendance.

A survey carried out by the DHMT in 2005 on Bed net use in the district indicate that most mothers know the cause of malaria (73.4%) but bednet use among  children under five is low (28.6%). The two significant findings determining the use of bednet by children under five are affordability and its use ,by the mother. The District was included in the Global Fund for Malaria programme. With this and other initiatives in the district, it is hoped the district will make studies in Malaria control activities.

Guinea Worm Eradication Programme:

There was drastic reduction of guinea worn cases in 2005. The number of cases reported was 171 compared to 1,397 and 1,263 in 2003 and 2004 respectively. This was achieved through the collaborative effort of the District Assembly, World Vision, Global 2000, the Carter Centre, Unicef, Danida Water and Sanitation Programme, the National GWEP, HUPREF, European Union, Red Cross, and MOH.

It is hoped that efforts at strengthening the district surveillance system will be sustained so that the disease can be eradicated completely from the district.


With regard to nutrition, the amount and type of food eaten are fundamental determinants of quality of each individual’s life. Good nutritional habits should therefore be a primary social development goal. The District Assembly will take steps to improve the nutritional status of  children and pregnant women through the promotion of Soya beans utilization in local foods.

Many children in the district suffer from malnutrition because they do not receive adequate amounts of nutritious foods. Many parents do not pay much attention to their children’s dietary requirements because they are either ignorant, poverty stricken, adhere to traditional beliefs or have large families that they cannot care for adequately.

Good health is necessary for increased productivity and improving the health status of the people is crucial for poverty reduction.
Currently, a number of health facilities have been provided in various communities but there are no health personnel to man these facilities. During the plan period the District .Assembly will contipue to sponsor nurses and other health" \ workers so that’they can come back and work in the district. Bridging equity gaps in access to quality health services will be the focus of the Assembly. Emphasis will also be on immunization and supervised delivery.

Reduction in under-five and maternal mortality and malnutrition will also be given priority. Eradication of Guinea worm and other water borne and water related diseases will also engage the attention of the Assembly during the period.

The district mutual health insurance scheme:

The Assembly will continue to encourage everybody in the district to join the scheme since this is the surest way to access health care. The Assembly will continue to support the scheme both financially and logistically. An office will be constructed for the scheme during the plan period.

Malaria control:

Malaria remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality especially among children under five in the district. A number programmes are on-going in the district to promote malaria control eg Roll Back Malaria. The District Assembly will continue to support all activities aimed at controlling malaria. The Assembly will continue to educate the general public on general sanitation and the need to keep our environment clean.

The Assembly will also keep close collaboration with departments, the health sector, NGOs, communities and traditional rulers to work to control malaria. The use of treated mosquito nets especially by children and pregnant women, and mosquito proofing will continue to be promoted by the Assembly.

HIV/AIDS Prevention:

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is a threat in the district.   The District Assembly will continue to support activities aimed at reducing new HIV/STI transmission. NGOs and CBOs involved in HIV/AIDS activities will be encouraged to intensify behaviour change communication strategies especially among the youth.   During the   plan  period   Voluntary   Counseling   and   Testing   (VCT)   centre   will   be constructed and individuals will be encourage to know their status.


Date Created : 11/23/2017 7:05:32 AM