Investment and Business Potential

Investors coming into Nkwanta District would have the best opportunities by investing within the growth patterns being experienced within the district. The District Assembly is developing small-scale farming to make production and distribution more efficient through agricultural extension services, feeder roads, crop associations and co-operatives, which can obtain credit.

This means farm supply, stores, drug supply and other inputs are profitable for private enterprise. Crop production, particularly in export-led sheanuts, can also be lucrative, several other crops that can be sold locally and abroad, such as cassava, yam, maize, groundnuts and rice. There is a rising market for agricultural implements such as hand-held tools, which stand to be exploited by producers of such equipment.

Cassava chips are exported from the district to Germany and this has significantly expanded the market for cassava. There is the need for a vigorous geological survey in the district, which could turn up major opportunities yet undiscovered.

The construction industry is already in position to provide lucrative business for investors in the areas of sand winning and gravel quarrying. The pottery clay in the Chaiso area can also be procured and processed cheaply in the district. Industrial production has strong potential in making agricultural equipment such as cassava graters, water tanks and various land tools, using scrap iron and imported metal sheets.


Revenue Returns for the Quarter

Vaccine sales            -    3,237,000
Service charges         -    7,123,000   
Total                    =        10,360,000

Private Sector Competiveness

The following are the development problems identified from the profile and from the Area Councils.
•    High cost of agricultural inputs
•    Inadequate extension officers
•    No mechanized farming
•    Unwillingness of banks to extend credit to farmers
•    High post harvest losses
 •    No storage facilities
     Lack of agro-processing industries
•    Many farmers stilJ cultivate small acreages
     Low prices for agricultural produce
•    Lack of electricity in most communities
•    Poor access roads
•    Limited labour with technical skills
Absence of physical structures and supporting services like sanitation facilities, water supply and solid waste disposal sites in most markets in the district.
•    Weak revenue base of the district Assembly.

Date Created : 11/23/2017 7:17:03 AM