• Item
Asuogyaman MP unveils GHS700,000.00 health Centre at New Powmu
VRA to spill 50,000 CFS of water from Akosombo Dam
Asuogyaman Assembly confirms DCE
Fears Grow Over Increase in Bilharzia Cases in Asuogyaman District
Asuogyaman MP rallies support of Assembly Members against floods
Assembly commissions six-seater ultra-modern w/c toilet facility
Hawkers in Atimpoku unfazed about dangers along the road



Asuogyaman District was created under local government instrument LI 1431 of 1988 as a result of Ghana Government re-demarcation exercise carried out to operationalize decentralization programme in the country from the defunct Kaoga District, which had Somanya as the capital.


Date Created : 11/23/2017 3:51:04 AM