• Item
Don’t allow politics to divide you – Bole DCE
Bole District Road Safety Committee formed
Partner gov’t to exploit huge deposits of Gold in Dollar Power – Abu Jinapor
Construction of Bole Dollar Power Feeder Road to commence
Mahama and Lordina inaugurate new maternity, children’s ward
Bole District to get model community mining scheme- Lands Minister
Let’s work together to accelerate dev't of Gonjaland – VP Bawumia




Special Programmes for the Vulnerable and Excluded

1. As mentioned earlier the district has a largely rain fed agrarian economy leading to low income levels.

2. The magnitude of the low income is worse for the vulnerable in the society such as the women in general and

    young girls in particular.

3. The scenario may be due to the socio-cultural structure, which limits the economic opportunities to females.

4. Men occupy leadership positions and enjoy almost all the economic opportunities whilst women occupy or are

    involved in activities that do not or command little economic power such as the multiple domestic roles and cleaning

   of the  environment.

Actions being Pursued


In the 2006-2009 plan period the following are some of the activities earmarked:

  • An active gender support network to support the gender desk officer in mainstreaming gender in the DAs activities.
  • Micro credit for women
  • Identification of needs of the vulnerable
  • Skill training for youth and the physically challenged
  • Involving the vulnerable in the decision making process and participation in the development process
  • Intensification of awareness creation on the rights of the child
  • Establishment of vocational training centres

Poverty situations

Millennium Development Goals


The Global Agenda

In September 2000,189 United Nations member states met at Geneva and came out with the following eight declaration to be achieved by 2015. The millennium declaration was adopted by member States of United Nation in 2000. It has eight (8) millennium development goals ranging from;


To End Poverty And Hunger

That is to be reduced by half between 1990 and 2015.


Education For All

To ensure that by 2015 children everywhere boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of primary Schooling.


Equality For Women

Eliminate gender disparity in Primary and Secondary education preferably by 2015 and in all levels of education not later than 2015.


Save Children’s Lives

To reduce by 2/3 between 1990 and 2015 the under 5years morbidity rate.


Make Motherhood Safe

To reduce the maternal death ratio by quarters between 1990 and 2015.


Stop HIV//AIDS, Malaria And Other Diseases

Have halted by 2015 and began to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. Have halted by 2015 and began to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major disease.


Protect The Environment

Integrate the principles of sustainable development into a country’s policies and programmes, reverse the loss of environmental resources.


Build A Global Partnership For Development

Address needs of the least developed countries. Further develop and open trading and financial system. Deal comprehensively with developing countries objectives. Develop job strategies for Youth. Provide access to affordable essential organizations in developing countries. Make available new technologies, e.g Information and Communication (ICT).





Date Created : 11/15/2017 3:44:07 AM