The District has an agrarian economy which is indicative of the large quantity of agricultural products produced every year. With a favourable environment, suitable intervention measures can result in the area being a food basket of the region or nation as a whole. A wide variety of crops are cultivated such as maize, yam, cassava, guinea corn, groundnuts etc. Household incomes are quite low which has a direct correlation with expenditure patterns of households.
Marketing of agricultural produce is quite a problem since the markets are few, majority of the existing markets are also rather small in nature, however inter District trade with the neighbouring Districts such as the Sawla Tuna Kalba is quite encouraging. Apart from agriculture practices other economic activities include fishing along the black volta river, mining especially the “Galamsey” , small scale industrial activities, banking, communication (mobile network) etc.
Below are some of the SSI activities in the District.
Small scale industrial activities in the district (SSI)
The promotion and development of small scale industrial activities in the district constitutes a vital component of establishing synergetic relationship (strong link) between agriculture and industry.
The following groups of industrial activities can be found in the district.
Types of small scale industries
No. Type Industry
1. AGRO-BASED Milling, Cassava processing, Distillery, Brewing,Fishing
2. WOOD-BASED Carpentry, Charcoal burning
3. CLOTHING Tailoring, Seam stressing (Dress making)
4. REPAIRS Bicycle, Vehicle repairs and Vulcanizing
5. SERVICE Hair dressing, Chop bar, Food processing
6. METAL-BASED Blacksmithing
7. ART-BASED Pottery, Basketry
Source: Bole District study socio-economic survey, Bole (2002)
Most of these industries rather produce on a small scale, probably due to the small market size available within the District, the non availability of raw materials in large quantities others could be getting access to larger market centers.
This implies that most of these industries are not able to reach their maximum potentials which adversely affect income levels and their ability to employ more people in their activities. In effect despite existence of these industries they are not better placed to reduce the high unemployment rate in the district
Even though majority of these enterprises are small scale in nature many lack managerial skills and the requisite tools to enable improve upon their businesses. They require capacity building to enable them be able to exert the desired impact on the local economy.
Presently the Rural Enterprise Project and the Micro finance and small loans scheme are now well established in the District and are providing the necessary capacity building for the many and diverse small business enterprises.
It is expected that with their intervention many of the problems faced by these businesses shall be solved to enable them exert the desired impact on the local economy in terms of employment generation and rise in income levels.
Challenges of raw material /supply.
According to SSI owners in Bole, the following were some of the pronounced limiting factors towards the smooth supply of requisite raw materials.
• Inadequate working capital
• Scarcity of raw materials especially during certain period of the year
• Poor road network which often leads to high transport cost
• Inadequate finance to expand production
• Delay in consumer payment
• Inadequate raw materials
• Lack of machines/equipment
• Lack of organized unions
• Lack of ready market for finished products
The above indicates that for SSI s in the District to expand and increase productivity there is the need to come out with a series of intervention measures that will help solve these challenges and the Assembly is working on it to improve the living condition of the people.
The major occupation is farming. Agriculture dominates the lives of the inhabitants in the District. Farming is mostly at the subsistence level- producing for home consumption though some of the produce are sold to earn income to enable households cater for other pressing needs and financial obligations.
In recent times large scale farming is being practiced with the availability of tractors and equipment, improved seeds and farming methods, agrochemicals and the availability of technical support from the field staff of MOFA.
Crops cultivated include maize, yam, groundnuts, millet, sorghum, rice, cassava. Cash crop cultivated is basically cashew which in recent times is been promoted through the availability of credit facilities to the farmers.
Fishing is also been done in the communities along the Black Volta river. Sheanut picking is also a major area dominated by women, even though seasonal in nature it serves to keep many women busy for the whole year since it can be processed into sheabutter which is not only consumed locally but is now been exported in recent times.
Commercial activities are also another area in which many people are engaged in. The main market is the Bole market others are the Bamboi, Tinga, Banda Nkwanta, Mankuma markets etc. On market days, traders from far and near troop the market and sell their goods to prospective customers. Goods are transported in and out of the District. Agricultural produce is the main item transported in large quantities out of the District. This is indicative that when the Agricultural sector if given a boost through the availability of farm inputs, equipment and machinery and an element of Government subsidy on the prices of these necessities large quantities of agricultural crops can be produced, more so when a ready market can be found for these produce – basically cereals, grains and the tubers.
District Performance Under GPRS I
District/Micro Economy
Major Economic Activities
The major economic activities in the district are basically primary activities and these include
- Agriculture, basically at the peasant level
- Trading in foodstuffs such as maize, beans, rice and other grains,
- Sand winning mostly for construction work in the district
- Fishing along the Black Volta
- Sheanut processing
Income Levels and Distribution
- Income levels are low because majority of the people depend on rain fed agriculture
- Gender and Income levels. Income levels are low for women than for men.
Date Created : 11/15/2017 1:41:07 AM