The district has been hooked to the national electricity grid. It has telephone facilities and a post office located at Bole. Sawla and Tuna are also enjoying telephone services. A new water system for Bole has been completed. The district has a well distributed road network. However, some of the roads become unmotorable during the rainy season.
The major market centres in the district are Bole, Sawla, Tuna, Balba, Bamboi, Gindabor, Senyeri and Tinga. The district has a district hospital located at Bole. The District Health Centre is divided into six sub-districts under Bole, Bamboi, Sawla, Kalba, Tinga and Tuna. These settlements have various health facilities such as clinics and health posts at Tinga, Bamboi and Tuna.
There is a maternity home at Sawla, which is privately run. The Catholic Relief Service is also running a primary health scare programme in the district. Educational services in Bole District are divided into five education circuits namely, Bole, Bamboi, Sawla, Tuna and Gindabor.
There are two Senior Secondary Schools, 20 Junior Secondary Schools, 79 primary Schools, two Day Care Centre and three Day Nurseries in the district. The Non-formal Education division of the Ministry of Education is doing a lot to help address the problem of adult illiteracy.
A greater percentage of the district has no access to electricity. Apart from the district capital, Bole and Kakaiase which are connected to the national grid, the rest of the communities are not. Meanwhile, there are plans to connect the following communities to the national grid; Bamboi, Jugboi, Tasilma, Banda-Nkwanta, Sonyo, Mandari, Chibronyoa, Babator, Tinga, Mankuma and Maluwe
There are telecommunication services in the district. The district is covered by Areeba. Tigo services have just been constructed and now operating.
During the period under review, there were on-going reshaping/rehabilitation of some feeder roads such as Doli-Gbampe, Mandari-Nsunua, Doli-Dendenyiri, Bole-Sonyo, and Seripe-Kalidu. It is hoped that these roads, if well completed, will go a long way to enhance spatial accessibility and to facilitate farming activities as well as human movement.
Date Created : 11/15/2017 3:33:16 AM