The main occupation of the people is farming (Crop cultivation and animal rearing). Common crops cultivated in the area are Maize, Rice, Soybeans, Yam and Cassava. Farmers in the district are highly dependent on natural rainfall
The Kpalbe, Bunjai, Jidanturu and Latinkpa markets are the major marketing centers in the District where traders from Salaga, Tamale and other parts of the North come to trade.
The road network in the district spans a total of 306.1KMs of which majority of these roads are not engineered. They are also inaccessible especially during the rainy season leading to slow down of local economic activities. The main truck road cutting through the District is the Tamale Salaga Road which is currently under construction.
ENERGY Fifteen (15) communities are connected to the national grid representing approximately 33% of the population coverage in the district. Efforts are still on the way to have every community in the District connected to the National Grid.
Educational Sector
To ensure effective monitoring of schools, the district has been divided into four circuits; Bunjai, Fuu, Jantong and Kpalbe circuits. The table below gives a breakdown of number of schools, staffing and enrolment
Health Sector
The North East Gonja District currently has six (6) health facilities comprising of 5- CHPS and 1-Health Centre delivering both clinical and public health services in the district. The table below shows the category of Health Staff providing services in the District:
Provision of potable drinking water is a major challenge in the district because of the low water table, making drilling of boreholes difficult. About nineteen (19) boreholes with hand pumps and two mechanized boreholes are found in the district with twenty three (23) number of stand pipes providing portable drinking water in the District.
In the area of sanitation, 36 communities in the District are Open Defecation Free (ODF). Fumigation exercise conducted in all the public places in the district in the fight against COVID-19. Sensitization exercise in 12 Communities on general sanitation and COVID-19 preventive measures carried out. Eleven (11) refuse evacuation containers were also mounted in strategic locations of the district.
Date Created : 3/17/2023 12:00:00 AM