
For the purposes of health administration, the district is divided into four sub-districts, which included Jantong, Kpalbe, Bunjai and Kpansheigu sub-districts.

The district has only one functional health centre and five Community Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) such as Kpalbe, Fuu, Kpansheigu, Bunjai, Jantong and Kpinchila respectively. They are delivering both clinical and public health services in the entire district of 86 communities. This is a clear indication that much more health facilities are required to be set up to addressing the huge deficit in the district

There district is without a hospital. However, efforts are under way to have the Kpalbe Health Centre upgraded into a district hospital in the near future.

Table 1: Health Staff for the District

From the table, the number of health staff (155) in respect of the total population (39,404) people in the district is woefully inadequate and much more efforts are required to addressing such a phenomenon.

Table 2: Health Personnel

The North East Gonja District currently has six (6) health facilities comprising of 5- CHPS and 1-Health Centre delivering both clinical and public health services in the district. The table below shows the category of Health Staff providing services in the District:

Date Created : 6/5/2024 12:00:00 AM