
The Municipal development focus for 2014-2017 was drawn in relation to the NMTDPF 2014-2017 which basic goal is to:

is to achieve and sustain macroeconomic stability while placing the economy on a path to higher and shared growth, reducing socio-economic inequalities and ensuring rapid reduction in poverty in an enabling environment .

District Development Focus

The DMTDP was formulated in line with the GSGDA II and the seven thematic areas of GSGDA II

· Ensuring and Sustaining Macroeconomic Stability

· Enhancing Competitiveness of Ghana’s Private Sector

· Accelerated Agricultural Modernization

· Oil and Gas Development

· Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlements Developments

· Human Development, Employment and Productivity

· Transparent and Accountable Governance

The focus of the Municipality therefore does not deviate from that of the National Development Focus.

The Municipality focuses on sustainable growth by expanding access to basic social services, creating an enabling environment where law and order would prevail to enhance economic activities, increasing productivity through value addition by linking agriculture to industry (Agro-processing) and employment opportunities most especially among the youth and finally promote and facilitate the involvement of the citizenry especially the vulnerable including women in decision making.

District Development Goal 2014-2017

The goal formulating process involved an analysis of the problems in relation to the potentials, opportunities, constraints and challenges identified in the Municipality as per the seven thematic areas of GSGDA II. In other words the Municipality goal was formulated around these thematic areas.



The community needs and aspirations were identified through consultations with the Area and Urban councils. The key development issues were harmonized under the GSGDA I (2010-2013) and further linked these development issues to the adopted issues of the NMTDP (2014-2017).

Harmonization Of Community Needs and Aspirations with Identified Key Development Gaps/ Problems/ Issues From Review of Performance and Profiling from 2010-2013.

Community needs and aspirations identified were harmonized by relating them with the key gaps/ problems identified under the review of the performances of District Medium Term Plan 2010-2013, the profile and other interventions. The scores range from 2 to 0. Below is a breakdown of the scores and their interpretations;

Score Definition

2 - Strong Relationship

1 - Weak Relationship

0 - No Relationship

The scores were added together and divided by the total number of community needs and aspirations to obtain the average score. A high average score indicates a strong harmony of community needs and aspirations and identified key development gaps/problems. A low score indicates a weak harmony while zero score calls for review of the community needs and aspirations.

Programmes Implemented

Among the gender sensitive pragmatic programmes the Assembly has adopted to promote gender balance include.

· Promotion of Girl Child Education

· Encouraging women to participate in local decision making

· Public campaign on elimination of Socio-Cultural Practices that have negative effect on female

· Provide care and support to PLHIV’S

Summary of Key Development Issues

From the situational analysis, and upon further consultation with relevant stakeholders, the following were identified issues that need to be addressed.

· Poor sanitation

· Haphazard and unconditional development

· High unemployment rate

· Deforestation

· Poor Roads

· Low access to credit facilities

· Low electricity coverage

· Poor performance in BECE

· Inadequate teachers accommodation

· Inadequate classroom blocks

· Low involvement of women in decision making

· Low access to quality health care

· Low Agricultural extension officers

· Undeveloped tourist potentials

· Low Internally Generated Fund

· Inadequate supply of potable water

· Low income

· Inadequate toilet facilities

· Low level of communal spirit

· Low level of agricultural production

· Destruction of farms by cattle

· Post-harvest losses

· Inadequate lorry parks

· Inadequate Police Personnel

· Inadequate Health Facilities


Monitoring And Evaluation Plan (M &E)

The M&E plan is a document that provides a guide for how M&E would be conducted. The plan will assist the Assembly to measure progress towards achievement of goals and objectives of the District Medium Term Development Plan 2014-2017.


It is an on-going system of checking to make sure that the correct procedures, practices, time frames, resources and targets are being followed and achieved. Monitoring is an instrument that continuously delivers structured information concerning the actual status of the project to all persons involved in the implementation process, including the target groups and beneficiaries.


It is a process of determining systematically and objectively, the relevance, effectiveness and impact of activities in the light of their objectives.

Purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of the District Medium Term Development Plan would cost the Assembly about Gh¢17,536,200.00. There is therefore the need to ensure social gain. Monitoring and evaluation would enable the beneficiaries to play a lead role in keeping track of inputs, activities and/or progress towards objectives on a more continuous (day to day) basis.

Again, monitoring and evaluation of the District Plan would further help to:

· Assess the Medium Term Development Framework.

· Identify achievement, constraints and failures so that improvements can be made to the Medium Term Development
  Framework and project designs to achieve better impact.

· Provide information for effective co-ordination of Municipality development at the regional level.

· Provide the Municipality authorities, the government and development partners in the Municipality, community project management
  teams and the general public with better means for learning from past experience.

· Improve service delivery and influence allocation of resources in the Municipality and demonstrate results of accountability
  and transparency to people in the Municipality, NGOs, CSOs, FBOs and other stakeholders interested in the Assembly’s development.

· Reinforce ownership of the District Medium Term Development Plan (2010-2013) and also build M&E capacity within the
  Municipality focusing on the Municipal Planning and Co-ordinating Unit.

Monitoring And Evaluation Arrangements

Section 46, Sub Section 3 of the Local Government Act, 1993, Act 462 established the District Planning Co-ordinating Unit (DPCU) to assist the Municipal Assembly to execute designated planning functions. The National Development Planning (Systems) Act, 1994, Act 480 empowers the DPCU to be directly responsible for the development and implementation of the Municipal M&E plan.

In carrying out its M&E functions the Municipal Planning and Co-ordinating Unit (MPCU), will co-opt representatives from other sector agencies, private sector, CSOs, Development Partners, Traditional Authorities, Communities and other stakeholders whose inputs would be needed. The involvement of these stakeholders among other things would contribute to hold the Municipal Assembly more accountable and responsible for the delivery of goals and services as well as exposing malfeasance and corruption. Again, it would reinforce ownership of the Medium Term Development Plan (2014-2017).

The Development Partners will shape and enhance M&E at the Municipal level. The Development Partners for example would strengthen the institutional framework for evidence based planning, M&E. Furthermore, their involvement in the M&E process of the Assembly would build their confidence to provide support to the development agenda of the Assembly.




The implementation of MTDPF would be incomplete if the major stakeholders who assisted in drawing the plan are left out and would not know the progress made during the implementation. It is therefore crucial and necessary to develop out communication strategy.

Communication on the District medium Term Development Plan (DMTDP) is important for sensitizing the citizenry and targeted interest groups/stakeholders about the DMTDP,building confidence in the development partners, improve service delivery and to reinforce sense of ownership.

A lot of resources both financial and material would go into the implementation of the District Medium Term Development Plan. It is therefore imperative for the people/beneficiaries to know on any issues concerning its implementation.

The implementation of the strategy will ensure social accountability and reduce/minimise apathy, improve the level of communal spirit and the level of participation in social functions.



Date Created : 5/22/2019 9:33:15 AM