The security situation in the Municipality was very alarming during the years 2011 and 2012 due to activities of Fulani’s herdsmen but the situation is presently relatively calm.
The activities of the Fulani’s herdsmen posed a security threat in the Afram Plains section of the Municipality and the Municipality as a whole. The herdsmen, during the drought burnt bushes to look for pastures for their cattle and in the course of doing this resulted in the destruction of farms and other properties belonging to the farmers. In some instances the herdsmen allowed their cattle to graze on both unharvested and harvested maize on the field. The farmers did not take kindly to this and resulted into a conflict. Properties and human lives were lost.
Operation Cowleg comprising 15 military and 10 policemen was formed by the DISEC and RECSEC to control the activities and maintain peace at a cost to the Assembly. The Assembly spent Two Hundred Thousand Cedis (GH¢200,000.00) in maintaining peace and order during the conflict.
Legal Processes and Security
The Municipality has one Municipal Magistrate Court and a Police Station at the Municipal capital, Agogo. There is relative peace and calmness in the Municipality but the invasion and incursion of Fulani herdsmen in the Afram Plains portion of the Municipality has created tension, instability and insecurity in the Plains. With logistic supports from the Assembly, the Municipal Security Committee (MISEC) in collaboration with the Regional Security Committee (REGSEC) have been assisting to calm the situation.
All these structures are put in place to ensure that law and order are adhered to and the fundamental rights of the citizenry are respected.
The Asante Akim North Municipality, as indicated earlier, is an agricultural society is also dependent on rainfall for production. As a result, the dominant hazard or shocks affecting incomes, available of food and wealth accumulation, are those that relate to crop production and livestock. These are death of livestock, poor rains/drought and bush fires.
In the Asante Akim North Municipality, the incidence of hazards due to natural events is quite high. About 76% of households reported that they had been affected by natural events such as poor rains or drought. The most frequently man-made hazards were bush fires. The loss of farm produce and livestock not only reduces family wealth and income, it also impinges on the households’ ability to cope with or adjust to other shocks.
Date Created : 5/22/2019 7:51:16 AM