Agriculture and Food security

The district faces problem of food insecurity as the district produces insufficient quantities of vegetable, plantain, cassava and rice. Production of other cereals, legumes, and tubers such as maize, cowpea and yams are not sufficient, hence they are imported from other districts to make up for the short fall.

This is due to the fact that most of the fertile lands have been used and continue to be used for cocoa and oil palm production. The implication for the district development is to focus more on the food crop production rather than cocoa and oil palm production.

Again, food security can be enhanced by monitoring the food supply and distribution situation and disseminating early warning signs to relevant agencies. This will allow the various partners to act collectively on information available to ensure that adequate food is available, accessible and is utilized for the benefit of the population.


Date Created : 1/31/2019 5:20:58 AM